It is relevant whenwe know the source of the stimulus. i.e a physical stimulus such as a pinprick or mild electrical shock etc, These are things based on learned experience. but there is still no clue how the mind causes a reaction, such as changing the physical structure of the brain.
Who has...
I said - "So who is always 100% correct. Scientists are continually updating their data"
What does "continually updating their data mean? Or does "open ended" have no meaning for you ?
This still means you are putting words in my mouth.
We are living now and not in some historical woo woo. Life and death is an age old fact and to say people will live and die is thus merely acknowledging these facts.
Your batting average remains zero.
Okay I already said neurologists can "Map"the brain. They cannot however say what activated the neurological response because they cannot detect the mind.
It is like a motorcar; an external source must turn the ignition key; Place the car in gear and then depress the accelarator pedal to get it...
Dear me changing the subject are you -
My comment concerned what YOU "Predicted" which wasn't and never will be a prediction
You are factually false and that is a fact beyond all doubt.
Predictions are of future events not existing well established facts.
Two of my sources date back to the 1960's -
1. Backster, C, "Evidence of a Primary Perception in Plant Life," International Journal of parapsychology 10 : 4, 1968.
He connected plants to a lie detector and found reactions to thoughts of violence to the plants
His work was substantiated by...
Well let me see. About five or six years ago we had a case of a plastic surgeon why got away with 17 cases against him. The Broedesbond (Freemasons} on the medical board did it for him.
I never reject legitimate findings.
That said as far as fanatics and those saying Evolution is the ultimate, the question remains if it is what they claim why must they falsify evidence.
These are the people the question was aimed at.
They pooh pooh the para-normal and claim it is...