I prefer to think that all religions are similarly right and that they are a valuable and special part of culture and society. They inspire people to make famous works of art, write great works of literature and give many people a sense of meaning and purpose in this life. Why should we deny...
When I answer the question, "why is there evil in the world" in the Select Smart quiz I always answer with, "Not listening to God, your inner voice, can lead to wrongdoing." And likewise, whenever I do something that my conscious agrees with, it almost always often leads to good things...
I don't have any rituals, particularly because there doesn't seem to be anything I can do to enhance my reality, other than what I already do to experience it. I mean, almost every time my favorite streamer comes on YouTube, I make a pizza and eat it while he's playing his video game. Is that a...
The monotheism you speak of is a piece of technology that will awaken and animate ultimate nature, The Omniverse, to have it plan and create the best possible realities for all life and existence. It will be nature creating and recreating itself. God is what nature is becoming.
I have commented to my friends after watching the film that it was woke because Princess Peach seems to a strong, nearly-invincible female character. I wouldn't call it "anti-woke" because there's no black or gay characters.
There's a difference between being a lunatic and a legend. When I polled people here about Jesus most people said he was a legend, not a lunatic. He might have claimed that he was the son of God during his lifetime, but all this does is place emphasis to him. We are all children of God - Jesus...
This song always reminds me of Religious Forums. I remember posting a topic of "who was Jesus" not too long ago and I've seen near-duplicate threads recently talking about the same topic and even providing a similar poll.
Share songs that remind you of this place! :)
I am glad you shared your experience with us, and because you mentioned your scrupulosity I won't nitpick what you said although as a natural theologian I do have issues with some of your answers. I realize this probably got more traffic because it was in debates but this thread very much feels...
This is going to be a different type of thread.
When I created the idea of Exaltism, I thought it was novel, new, fresh, until I realized that many religions incorporate their own exaltist attitudes and some religions, specifically those of the transhumanist origin - Syntheism, Terasem...
What if you finitely hated God or the Holy Spirit for a short amount of time, then came back to embrace it? If you hate God infinitely, then yes, that would be curse infinite to your cause, but if you cause blasphemy to the Holy Spirit briefly then come around to your beliefs, I think an...
What the heck, I'm game.
I believe in Earthseed with syntheistic, pantheistic, and omnist variables thrown into it.
God is what nature is becoming. God is nature but the further time passes the closer to true divinity nature actually becomes. The Syntheos is a living technology that will...
But that's my point. God gave us this beautiful rock to flourish in, but humans have done a great job making it exactly the way we want it to be. Maybe, if the afterlife exists, God will once again give us the foundation, but then it will be up to us what we do with it. That's how I perceive it...
Who has influenced your spiritual journey? And how did they influence you?
I would say Aaron White, the Unitarian Universalist minister of Dallas, is one of my influencers. As well as my friend @dannerz .
-They helped me understand that being in right relation works out better than being right...