There are records of testimonies from human beings that Darwin wasn’t the stand-up citizen projected in the present. First off, I’m not anti-evolution. Second off, even if Darwin was not of perfect morale, it doesn’t mean that he was wrong about everything that he said. Third, humans evolved the...
Unless you’re going around having sex with as many people as possible to pass down your genes and have as many offspring as possible, you’re unfit to explain a theory that excludes your reality yet makes you a product of it.
The scientific method doesn’t work on a bunch of anecdotal evidence that cannot be examined to start with, and there barely is enough funding to examine in the first place, let alone re-examine stuff that was never and cannot be examined to start with.
What do genes do for evolution theory? Nobody denies that codings for protein building are passed from the living to the living.
The way many talk about genes, may as well start calling them genies. Where did these codings evolve from, and from what source of power places them in action? Where...
Did you know Charles? Many who did passed down testimonies of his poor character and participation and belief in Social Darwinism. Many also passed down testimonies of him being a saint of morale. Whose is more accurate and what is the determining factor other than bias and faith in human...