Is not language first created within the mind/brain and then conveyed outwardly. Ultimately, where did the instuctions come from for the brain to produce language?
I have no problem with the idea that that which is uncreated as able to bring forth that which is created. For I believe there was a time in which that which is now created did not not exist accept in the mind of the uncreated and he spoke into being. I therefore extend into faith because my...
So, then there is a distinction between that which is created and that which is uncreated. So, I would propose that that which is uncreated (God, how ever you see him/her/it) is responsible for bringing into existence/reality that which is created (the Universe).
Are we not discussing Adam and the language for which he spoke? If one believes there was an Adam then one would have the accept the story of the creator present with him. Language is distinct from other sounds, and are compiled and given meaning some how. How is it possible for common agreeance...
I would agree that by the definition of language that is generally accepted we would need to ask ourselves if animals communicate through use of language. If they can not then I would think this would be the premise showing that huamns are distinct from animals and would jead us to ask the...
Then what you are saying is that I am an extension of God and am therefore God, but unaware of my own existence. Once again, How can I precede my own existence if "I Am" (ever present) non "existent or unborn one".
No disrespect intended here, you seem to be trying to convey information through the use of written language yet still have not answered the question of how language came about in the first place.
If I remember correctly, How then would you distinguish this from pantheism which basically states that God is in all and all is God? And, Yes I would agree that beyond is outside the framework of the conceptual mind.
Therefore, according to this statement, I can not "be" without the I AM". For in the "I AM" we live and move and have our very "being". Is there an absolute ?
If true reality lies beyond then would not that reality therefore be ojective (apart from our experience and understanding) which is limted to subjectiveness? And if all are illusions then who or what is perceiving these illusions?
Am I right to infer then that you are saying there is therefore a collective consciousness? If consciousness has always been present then is it by definition eternal?
I apologize for entering the discussion here, but could you clarify briefly what you are trying to convey. I was also wondering that if you are discussing the possibiltity of God(s) existence then in order to do so what what be qualifications for such a God or Gods. In other words, what...