Not sure if you understood what I am saying. Our logic is contained within his and he can and does work within our framework for our sakes, but his logic also transcends that which we can perceive without his intevention.
Just for sake of discussion. If there were such thing as a "god" what would be the qualifications for said "god"? In other words, what would distinguish it as such? Are there certain attributes or characteristics that set it apart from creation?
According to what I understand they thought they could rise up to heaven and pull God down, but we could further this conversation elsewhere if you would like to start a thread.
No,I am saying according to what i understand from reading this story that God pusposely seperated the peoples languages in order to keep them from making the same mistake twice. I will leave this conversation at that. Its not my intention to derail any conversation here. The original thread...
Ok, sorry for sidetracking. Just asking the same question most linguist ask. Does it really matter in the end what Adam spoke? What purpose does it serve us?
No one speaks this language any more that we know of and I believe it would allow God to separately deal with the various people groups after the Tower of Babel. What happened before when they all spoke one language?
DNA is chemically encoded instruction. Is it not? Language requires an encoder and a decoder. What is doing the encoding and then the decoding? This applies to language and DNA and I am not referring to the process itself.
I like the fact that you worded this way because I believe as scripture says that God breathed breath into man an made him a living soul. I understand God to trascendent and is above all things and is not part of his creation, but as one who believes in him he is present with me.
The only reason I bring this up is because if God created language and then he divided the languages at the Tower of Babel. Then what difference does it make what language Adam spoke. Following this line of thought, I would think it was more likely a language that was further evolved than what...
I would state for myself the latter only because I do not meet the understood requirements(by some) for which divinity must possess. This is if you would mean that I belive myself to be a god.
Language requires structure and order and even known languages have a basic premise from which they originally were derived. This evolotutionary process began somewhere. Where?