The Bible doesn't have trinity in original terminology. Trinity was a term used by pagans in time of Bible writers, and it kind of Caught on.
Bible says God is one.
not three in one.
Jesus did create evil, though he gave the universe a chance not to do evil.
Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
But he did create evil and then he took the consequences and died. so that he could have a people even...
The Word of God says my thoughts are always wrong. I must remember myself least of all you on this forum, and subject to error. And if I say something that is wrong God will hold me responsible for loosing a soul! For our actions have consequences.
As long as I remember I am fallible and...
All scripture is given by inspiration of God.
So, any book that is inspired by God is scripture.
If a book is found to contain error, then that book is removed, that is how King James project worked.
The task of translation was undertaken by 47 scholars, although 54 were originally...
The only way to get faith that works is to read the word of God, there is no other way I have found. Pray before you open the Bible and ask God to send you his holy spirit to understand it, he always answers that prayer
now expect yourself to be inspired in reading the Bible.
and then Thank God...
What is faith and works?
From my studies of the Bible:
Faith is believing in the word of God to be absolutely true, and that whatever verse you read will happen because it is said by God. because God cannot lie and he said it, so no matter what he said, no matter how unlikely it seems, when he...