I'm a very lonely person. I...was going to kill myself last New Years Eve. I even thought about the means, and just thinking about doing it brought a smile to my face that this will bull**** life would be over. I was talked out of it not by people in real life, but online friends. They actually...
Four noble truths and eightfold path were created through buddha's own life experience. You should watch the video I posted. He experienced the four noble truths himself.
They also aren't revelation. They aren't commandments. They have nuance.
As for devas, they're pretty inconsequential. I'm...
Buddhism is non-theistic. It has no creator God. Buddha was not a God or Deva and claimed all of what he gained was due wholly to human capability and intelligence. Anyone can be a Buddha. In Abrahamic religions, for instance, Christianity, mercy or similar themes are due to the divine; in...
Really weird meditation session. I think I cried. Either that or my eyes watered from not blinking, but I've done meditation without blinking plenty of times and this never happened. During one point, I felt strong emotion and warmth build up in the middle of my gut and I was happy for a second...
I can appreciate life without believing in Christ. Today, the sun kissed my face as I drove with my windows down. It was warm and made me smile. Thank you sun, I said. Tonight I drew and listened to music/podcasts and was in complete bliss doing something I love. When I got home a friendly...
I remember one of the first times I meditated, the entire room grew dark because I was staring at one spot. Just scary and odd things like that which distort perception. Does it occur EVERY time you meditate?
Finally talked to the abbot at my local zen center. I had a private discussion about something ailing me, and how to respond to it. Her answers were...unsatisfactory. I brought up what the Dalai Lama said on the subject because she wasn't offering any actual opinion or counsel, and she...
When I first got interested in Buddhism I went to the zen center. I didn't know what to do and was taught meditation that day. Soon, I was told I could be taught further in the intro to Zen Meditation class that was open to the public. I ended up going and most of the people there, from what I...