"I did not have sexual relations with that woman." Jesus
By definition, as god, Jesus can't sin. Just like having himself tortured to death in a bloody murder suicide of himself isn't a sin. Or how murdering every person on the planet except an incestuous drunk and his family isn't a sin...
Sorry dude. I can't keep up with every splinter group's revisionist dogma. But I know the mainstream stuff just fine.
How could I be disappointed? Of course you can't deliver on any of your claims. You got nothing and every one knows it.
And see how all this equivocating just makes you...
1) you still left it out
2) youcan't prove he is evil without it
So? You said "Any argument to justify suffering is invalid. Any."
My argument is valid.
As a Jewish rabbi at the time, it would have been unthinkable for him not to have been married with kids if possible. Kids and marriage were how you knew god liked you.
Of course if he was actually an Essene then he might of been celibate.
Of course there is a good case to be made that he...
I would say their sexual appearance in particular. So far as a I know, all mammals and many other species as well, will check out anyone that seems to have potential as a mate.
So? Some one walking down the street with a nice A$S can be enjoyed for the quality of that A$S without any sort of...
You left one out - omniscient.
Suffering is a more effective response to our environment than not suffering because those who don't suffer die out more. For example, not feeling pain happens in some people and they tend to constantly injure themselves and die young.
That doesn't seem to be god?
You do believe that guy whose picture you post already popped in for a meal with his Jewish followers and he hung out with a guy on the road? Right? That is the whole point of that story - physically risen from the dead. That is what you are hoping for? Physical...
Why have you not just invoked your god. That would really settle things.
Your point would be better made if you didn't equivocate so.
Are you actually self taught in logic? Because that would be impressive. It's so boring and pointless seeming in the beginning that few pursue it unforced...
Its because there is no god to establish actual membership in her club so any one can claim to be any religion and back up this claim simply by killing all who disagree.
The reason all religions eventually come around to trial by the sword and conversion by the sword is because unlike the...
These bloody disputes go back before the founding of our country, before the European discovery of the new world, before western Europeans started getting embroiled in the middle east via the crusades, back to as soon as Mohammad was cold in the ground. We aren't even a blip and long after we...
I don't think the other obvious factors would result in public beheadings or the other extreme applications of their religious beliefs without those religious beliefs.
So you dismiss any importance of intent and all mitigating circumstances? It all boils down to simple legalism no matter how unjust the law or what the context or circumstances might be?
So fine. Whose law then?