This documentary provides enough evidence for the question to
be asked why hasn't the academic world looked at this possibility
more seriously?
Here's some significant evidence that supports the Talmud of Jmmanuel
account of Jesus ,it is backed by...
Maybe the more important question did he die at the crucifixion?
There seems to be smoking gun evidence of his presence in India
after the crucifixion, this could be one of the most important
questions Christian people could ever ask and should be asking
and want an answer.
This though is research, which brings up the question what was Jesus
real name and did he die at the crucifixion?
As odd as it may seem, the name Jesus is a relatively new invention, only a few hundred years old, that was created by multiple translations and stylistic changes to the...
According to this research Jesus name was a fabrication
"Today many Christians and others assume that the Greek name Jesus was the original name of the Savior who was Hebrew. If one does the research, one finds out that it is impossible for the Saviors name to be Jesus.
What is the...
This an excerpt from the Talmud of Jmmanuel , a very little known
text, translated from 2000 year old scrolls depicting the life
of Jesus that have been lost. These scrolls indicate the true name
of Jesus was Jmmanuel and that he survived the crucifixion
and went to live in India.
Everything evolved from the vacuum nothing the original creator was first to evolve and
created universes and designed life, science gives intelligence and quality of life.
What good is a man to himself with all god and no intelligence? The religious God
is a God of law and not of science. A God...
I think every Catholic should be aware of St. Malachy prophecies
St. Malachy (1049 - 1148) was an Irish Bishop, prophet, and seer, who prophesied the reign of future popes by a one-sentence...
The prophecies of the popes are 112 phrases in Latin corresponding to 112 popes
in succession that are interpreted on Wikipedia under the title of
"The prophecy of the popes" , the last two prophecies reads as follows
"Glory of the olive." Benedict XVI (2005present) Joseph Ratzinger Chose...
Us more advanced life forms have the the experience of real which an artificial
intelligence does not,this experience of real is connected to the science of the
physical, which leads to to the conclusion that the experience of real is also
part of science.
Science is ever evoling to a more accurate theoretical model of inner
working of nature. A belief in a God who makes no reference to advanced science
makes you think twice about certain aspects of religious material. Which is
better would come down to which is closer to the the truth about the...
The right religion is the one who's teachings remain valid for infinity and never
proven incorrect, since all religions are preaching different things this
therefore leaves only one possible correct one which in it's self would seem
highly unlikely.
If all in religion can be explained by science then science is better than religion.If
science can be explained by religion then religion is better that science. But the truth
is best of all, and anything that has no explanation at all is a questionable proposition.
It's a wonderful thing scientific evidence, then there's no room for misunderstanding.But from
my perspective if you look at enough peoples testimonials on all people related to this subject
matter, you can assume that the majority of people do not lie,then all the pieces of the puzzle
begin to...
The spirit is a highly advanced piece of science, although it does not have solid form it interacts with solid matter through the laws of science.The spirit and the body work together so person experience real, which physical matter cannot give only spiritual matter can
give. The spirit lives...
I'm afraid your wrong there a lot of people have gone to the other side and come back,
its well documented that spirit matter is governed by science as well.
How true that is,you believe in God, basically on the strength of his name there really isn't a lot
more to go on.When it comes to God too you should practice what you preach, if everyone in
the world did the world would be a lot safer place to be.