"Converting to sin put Mankind out of harmony with Father. It damaged not only the relationship they had with Him, but also their relations with all of creation; for all of creation belongs to Father. This included damaging effects to Mankind's own self. They damaged the purity of their minds...
In order to understand the Spiritual War, you need to understand first that God is a man of his word. While he COULD annihalate everything in existance, He's giving Satan a chance to win at this war. We humans are mere pawns in a giant spiritual chess game. God will not wipe out Satan and his...
In more than one way. I'm a psychic channeler, he's invaded my dreams on more than one occassion with various messages and "warnings" for me and I have pictures of him and visual pictorial messages from him as well.
Oh and here's another fallacy for you. Satan cannot be in more than one place at one time. So while many people may think they've encountered him, more than likely they've encountered one of his demon followers.
Well, I can tell you that this war has been going on for 6,000 years and His Holy Angels are doing everything within their power to see that prophecy comes into fruition, just as Satan's angels are doing everything within their power to see that it doesn't. I simply do my part in the War by...
Yes that's true Snowbear, but don't forget he's got millions upon millions of fallen angel followers who do his bidding as well. They're all working together in an attempt to win the War and gain the right to live out from under God's Sovereign Laws. ;)
Yeah...but it's no honor. He's just another demon trying to win the Spiritual War. But that's what I get for being a "Chosen One". There have been way more than just those few you mentioned too. Lot's of people have been Chosen down through the centuries. And don't ask me why me, because I don't...
What I mean is that I'm not wrong. Satan most certainly is Lucifer (The Dragon, The Serpent, etc.) and his given name was Dawn which is the same as "Morning Star". You're believing in myths and misinterpretations not truth.
All Myths... and Satan aka Dawn = The Morning Star
"Shining morning star, how you have fallen from the heavens! You destroyer of nations, you have been cut down to the ground." Isaiah 14:12
Feel free to interject anytime you like Becky. :) And I was just using this as an excuse to also tell you that your avatar totally cracks me up. Poor lil big head giraffe...
Satan was around long before Zoroastrianism. Just because they may have been the first monotheistic religion doesn't mean that they "created" him out of thin air. I've encountered Satan and his demons personally on more than one occassion. Who's to say they didn't also and that's why they...
No worries hun, maybe I'm just not finding the right words to convey my thoughts. What was accomplished by eating the fruit was both Adam and Eve gained Wisdom to the fact that both Good AND Evil exist. Before, they'd never known evil. Only good.
Well, like it says in James 1:14-15 "But...
Well we do know that it didn't take 7 literal 24-hour days for God to Create the earth and for the Word to create every living thing on it. We know that a day to God isn't equal to 24 hours. And you're right, the Scriptures don't tell us that years had gone by, but I don't see how that matters...
I respect your opinion, but I don't believe I am.
In order to understand the Scriptures you have to pay close attention to every word. There's nothing that says they didn't know good from evil. They knew they shouldn't disobey God. They were commanded NOT to eat from the tree. If they didn't...
Okay, I believe I found the answer. Adam and Eve did know right from wrong. Look at this passage:
"No! You will not die," the serpent said to the woman. "In fact, God knows that when you eat it your eyes will be opened and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." Genesis 3:4-5
It says...
She knew because God told them not to eat from the tree. It was about Obeying God.
"The LORD God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to work it and watch over it. 16 And the LORD God commanded the man, "You are free to eat from any tree of the garden, 17 but you must not eat...
Satan and The Serpent are one in the same. The angels existed before man. But yes, they could have still sinned because they had free will (just like the angels do). Satan, when he was with the Cherubic Order (and before he fell from perfection) was chosen by God as the appointed guardian over...