See the basic problem with this is that the disciples would appreciate the power they got from sticking to Jesus's message. The bigger flaw? It didn't happen. It was written by groups of scribes working of the then Ancient Isrealian government.
Only autists who don't think "oh, people can lie" don't know that there's more to money to the world.
He didn't need pay, he needed encouragement and a message that wasn't full of flaw. Then he would've been Iao. But no, Susej is odlaY
The key to any artform is aesthetics. So have put it in a similar ratio so that it attains some kind of aesthetics. If you have something ugly, like yours, then it'd be better if it wasn't made. I know idiots definitely like it. Don't bother me, I won't bother you.
We're just organisms. Everything has to be intelligent enough to live. I predict bacteria would do this. Stop denying your monkey self, just don't lose yourself. Be with the brothers.
Science, not prophesy
All prophecies were created by Ancient Governments of all religions
They were written before by people who had the intel from other, including enemy nations of what’s going to happen. They also knew the science of the day, which included spirituality (diseases were known...
You know what, your subcoscious realizes god is evil, which is dramatically true, but the universe is usually calm. Keep your wits about you and you'll do the best for yourself.,animals%2C%20insects%2C%20and%20fungi.
inb4 "ThAt'S nOt MonKeYs"
Ends up that's actually true because monkeys basically just did what we did with money, if you've seen, and we just have such similar brains the only real difference is that we discovered agriculture