People who believe god is responsible for it, also often believe in this, which is no good, wouldn't you agree?
The Christian right has advanced socially conservative positions on issues such as creationism in public education,[20] school prayer,[21] temperance,[22] Christian nationalism,[23]...
Okay, well it seems you and people like you, need to see the light. Here is a start.
The Christian right has advanced socially conservative positions on issues such as creationism in public education,[20] school prayer,[21] temperance,[22] Christian nationalism,[23] Christian Zionism,[2] and...
Yeah, you're probably wrong but that's cool, it doesn't sort of matter.
What matters is the end product of what believing in a god can do. Love and all that stuff is great (BTW love comes from millions of years of human evolution) but it goes beyond that.
Certain god believers have some very...
Just a few off the top of my head
Abortion, Homosexuality, VAD, Women's rights, Stem Cell research, No pre marital sex, Conservative monetary policy
Yeah love thy neighbour, right :confused:
None of you guys better be libertarians
God, I'm happy I don't live in a religious country, even though it still has too much say on peoples freedoms.
And to think, Europe was only recently effected 'greatly' by religion as well.
By the way, does anyone feel guilty by association?
Go religion...
Okay, I'll try but how do I do it?
Do I think about a bloke who lived a couple of thousand years a go, in a different place, walking around in a 'gown' with a bunch of other men?
Or do I think about someone who was trying to be nice?
I don't know, what do you, to put Jesus in your heart...
And, human consciousness is simply part of the human evolution. As many of the geniuses of the world have said.
Again, in order to observe nature and be part of it, we need a high level of consciousness, which came about because of evolution
Okay, that's cool.
What about this?
You're obviously a smart person so how can you disagree with some of the smartest people (Geniuses) on Earth who think the cosmos was formed because of physics or whatever the appropriate science term is, for the formation of the universe and our planet?
Yeah, natural selection is the wrong term, not responsible for the Big Bang and the cosmos.
You're obviously a smart person, so how can you disagree with some of the smartest people (Geniuses) on Earth who think the cosmos was formed because of physics or whatever the appropriate science term...
Yes, and all this had happened because of evolution.
We are seeking to understand the universe because of evolution.
We have a purpose because of evolution.
With everything we know as humans, what's more likely? We are here because we were created by a divine being or because of natural...
Yes but what is more likely?
Creation happened because of something divine (Or whatever you want to call it) or creation happened because of 'natural selection' which is near fact?
People can disagree on this forever but I think we should make our minds up with the information, theories and...
Yes maybe you're right, everyone is looking for meaning in their own way.
And I can't find it in the religious realm so I look for it elsewhere, and I must admit there are parts of religion that do annoy me, so I do try and differentiate myself from it.
Yes and it can be awesome. For example, there is a supermoon tonight and because of science, we know its 27,000kms closer to Earth, which makes it look so cool. And having this type of information available to us, helps us reflect and appreciate things better. Maybe there should be more of it...
Yes you are right, problems can arise when we declare our beliefs superior to others. How you do it, can be problematic. And some things may need to be said, I'm not sure about you but a patriarchal society is not one I want to live in and certain religions do harbour these beliefs. In nature...