obviously love and/hate can be practiced in the same abode......but a house divided against itself will fall, or as sun-tzu said...........
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory...
is the thing of worship a physical place and time or a state of mind/spirit/will transcending a fixed place? wherever the mind is, there the body too? is the body entrenched, buried in the being of the sought after holiness?
is it better to be in a physical church, temple, shrine, mosque and...
If the dancer is both the artist and the art, then if a person is communing with god, the divine, a god, is it then the place of worship and enshrined in the holy sepulchre?
bodies are generally seen as types of matter vs antimatter, or energy.
being implies movement, thus the name of god is a verb. a verb is an action..... in the case of the name, it's an infinitive.
the spirit has the ability to do that and often does during sleep.
until ultimately the silver cord is severed and the dust returns to the grave it was dug from and the spirit to collective
because the feminine, anima, shakti, shekinah is rising. better get on board or get the hell out of the way. neither to the left or the right, but straight and narrow is the strait
woe to you religious zealots
And love said, “Let there be understanding,” and there was understanding. 4 love saw that the understanding was good, and it separated the understanding from the confusion/chaos. 5 love called the understanding “deity(shine),” and the confusion he called “nix.” And there was evening, and there...
one is observed inwardly the other outwardly but both are obviously physical due to action. there is light/dark energy and light/dark matter. not all things are observable to the outward eye but can be to the mind's eye.
Yeshua said,
If they say to you, “Where have you come from?”
say to them, “We have come from the light,
from the place where the light came into being by itself,
established itself, and appeared in their image.”
If they say to you, “Is it you?”
say, “We are its children and the chosen of the...
the law doesn't differentiate between followers, disciples, or otherwise.
in matthew 5 he was speaking to the disciples but if you read what it says, he was speaking about people in general, not exclusively the disciples. the law isn't for those who just believe, know, but also those who do not...
the christian bible says god is light. but we also know light was created on the first day per the jewish torah.
if then god is light, is light made up of some aspect of what is called god?
if we are the light of the world, are we to somehow some aspect of this thing called god?
hate and love aren't religious. they aren't based on beliefs. love is a factual thing. religions use the idea of love in their construction but don't necessarily act upon it