Despite the fact I brought it up that question will be difficult to answer. It was over a decade ago. I was hoping to expand on terese posy. Also to often we talk about religions as a cohesive thing.and forget that its really a.collection of communities.
I think it's not just different religions but individual churches/synagogue/mosque/etc.
There were two different Catholic churches in my town and they both approached this differently.
I've been listening to a audio book that talked about this. they tested a McDonald's cheeseburger and the carbon came back as corn for a large percentage .
Commodity corn has strong socioeconomic and environmental implications .
I'm sorry i think I interpreted the op differently/wrongly and did not give your post credit for its relevancy . I still stand by my comments of it having nothing to do with what we do now though .
Thank you for increasing my scientific vocabulary and literacy .
I agree it's not most important but I do think it's a defining for our age.
Also what do you think of the coevolutionary importance of grass as it relates to The development of us as a species as well as the animals we relied...
While biodiversity is most important and there is no most important plant we can look at the fundamental importance of grass. grass played a major role in our evolution and creation of society . we live in the age of grass.