"Red meat After thoroughly reviewing the accumulated scientific literature, a Working Group of 22 experts from 10 countries convened by the IARC Monographs Programme classified the consumption of red meat as probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), based on limited evidence that the...
I generally agree. I'm under the impression, that generally revered figures in religious pasts generally get passes from behaviors that at the time were simply just commonplace. Not that matters. Islam never assimilated through a monogamous society-- so polygamy by itself is pretty viewed as...
I'd make the Garden of Eden, but not put the Forbidden Apple Tree in it. I would put it on the other side of the planet. I'm not sure if that constitutes a better place, I guess I'll let others judge that for themselves.
Humans can demonstrate perfection?
I'd guess that's probably true. Symbolic language is probably a big stepping stone in the whole cognitive thinking game; although we still share some traits.
Well... ignoring the "free" part, I'm sure they have some degree of awareness, albeit not close to...
Not to mention there are treatments for certain conditions that normally result in stillbirths now-a-days, so really, keeping a condition like that from a patient would actually have an inverse affect for a lot of women.
That sounds about right. I'm surprised it's not already illegal for a doctor a lie or misrepresent a fact about a patient's care to their patient...
Oh the bright side, this came out of one of the many committees that rights bill for consideration in the Senate of TX. And one of the committees...
While I can certainly understand having to deal with the fact that a.) no one is actually watching the sport and b.) the transport of ammunition and guns from so many guns from so many places to one place probably is really costly and hard to manage, it also seems like a laser gun (which I...
I do not know. Maybe they had the meeting anyway and nothing happens, maybe they refuse to have the meeting? I mean, one side here is threatening to pull out of the meeting over a sensitive topic; so not entirely outlandish that the other party would be willing to as well.
But why would your concerns only be extended specifically to officials who declared themselves to be feminists specifically wearing a headscarf...
You seemed to be saying earlier that because Islamic misogyny exists in Iran, women officials who visit there should not wear the legally imposed...
It's not an ideal position to be in, but it by no means an existential crises. If it prolonged a decade, that could be brutal to its stability.
But of all the countries that more or less operate on the basis of nationalized oil economy, Saudi Arabia is probably best equipped and trained well...
So, in your opinion, it doesn't really matter whether or not the Swedish minister wore a head covering or not... she shouldn't have been there in the first place anyways...
Le Pen refused to meet with the Mufti in Lebanon because of a headscarf. Lebanon doesn't have laws against apostasy, just...
I think the Mongol Empire was larger, but I guess it all comes down to what it means to actually control a specific portion. I'm sure many parts of both empires were under control in name only, when in reality it was filled with all sorts of dissident or untaxed people. Not to mention, trying to...
Nah. Well maybe far in the future. Seems like it would be incredibly difficult for a governing body to actually oversee so much on that scale without there being mass sectarianism. So much potential for factionalism, even with the base of power itself. Seems like it would break up easily.
No, I just find the glaring selective bias of when you think other people are exercising their ideals or not particular interesting...
Like, for some reason, if I took this supposed feminism purity test to see if a I'm (or the Swedish Head of EU Affairs and Trade) hardliner enough, and extended...
Strictly speaking yea. If there is no epistemological certainty, than it is impossible to say with certainty whether something is true or not. If it's impossible to say with certainty, any claim at all, then I can't make a choice to pick something true with epistemological certainty that is...
I think this is a pretty weak sentiment, seeing how it ignores that Muslim women, for the most part, have internalized their religion already, like most people do, and do not see that empty symbolic gesture as a "show of solidarity" anymore than they do see it as "anti-Muslim imperialist...