The water did nothing at all. Anyone could drink it. The only one that need worry would be the person who greatly sinned and deserved punishment. In other words, the water did nothing, God did. (actually since the law probably instilled a fear of God, maybe no one ever had to face such...
No terrorist ever confirmed anything in Scripture and instead simply mislabeled mass murder. You are in no position to tell millions of us that God did not confirm Himself. Seriously?
Yet we could list oodles of sites that say there is a link. Example
Bacteria were the real killers in 1918 flu pandemic
Bacteria Fingered As Killer In 1918 Flu Pandemic
You need to fact check your so called fact checkers. Please stop fearmongering and spreading disinformation.
I had thought you referred to the supposed abortion in the old testament, in that case it was God, not the water that judged.
As far as created kinds you have no clue what may have been created. That pig don't fly. We could have dissected an animal in Eden and had a similar result, that does...
You'd have to demo that they were not. You'd have to prove that only by the process of evolving (in imaginary time) could all life have come to exist! You have religion.
Yes, God judges evil nations that sacrifice children, so we cannot help bring this into the recent events surrounding this plague. While the medical tyranny preaching folks pretend they want to save lives, millions of babies are murdered and, depending on what stats we use, tens of millions of...
I confirmed it is from God. So did billions of believers over time. The miracles and resurrection of Jesus confirmed this. So di the miracles and lives of the apostles and many since. Your claim is ignorant denial.
Thousands of people are being evicted because of the lockdowns and etc.This is happening in many countries. Millions had businesses closed, many never to reopen. Many many many many millions are said to be going to die of starvation because of covid related issues. There is also a danger of...
The fossil does not evidence the theory of evolution. We do not even know if this was a created kind or a creature that greatly adapted from the original created kind. In either case this has no connection to your shared ancestor with a flatworm or etc! None.Nice try.