If some men did have tails, big deal. That did not make them monkeys. I suspect that in the different former nature the extra bones may have had some use, maybe you never even thought of. How would we knoow that some folks did not get a mark of Cain, some sort of mark all could see, as the bible...
You need to make a point. I don't even remember your picture. I do recall some little pic that was not worth straining the eyes for. Make a point that you think your pic made. Instead we have foolish pretensions and no single piece of evidence posted. I think you maybe have this one last chance...
They also thought it was a duty to work in death camps...use nuclear weapons, fire bombs, make concentration camps, and other things in that war time. The thread topic was about meeting in groups for worship, I don't think John forbade masks.
Many people die every day. That does not mean it is OK for some terrorist to drive a truck through a crowd. As for Scripture, it was confirmed to be from God, so it is no secret what God thinks.
Great, and we could add a lot of other things, such as Christians coming together, praying, hugging, etc. The selection of what is OK or essential is what is at issue here in the topic.