Don't trust your religion, it is lying. If you like music of any kind, enjoy it.
Religious people only pretend to be of higher morale (than ordinary people) and one of the way to show their "higher morale" is by disagreeing with things other people normally cherish. They keep on saying...
Islamic people spends a lot of money to gain political power in other countries as a part of conquering the whole world. I do believe Hilary takes a share of this money. If anyone happens to donate to Trump, at least he wont be an enemy of America, and it will be for far better intentions.
Things are a lot perplexing to me regarding these matters.
Our will arises from our consciousness. What we hear, see , think are all just the end result of electrical activities in the brain. It takes a few milliseconds of electrical processing in the brain before we realize something...
This will sell only to people who have crippled morales - people who have been crippled by their religion. A 100 years back, (and presently in some deeply religious cultures), being an atheist was/is enough reason for an innocent man to be tortured. (And I always felt like religious people are...
You can get all this and much better through proper education. So why is it to be "religious". Religious degrees sell much more than these - prepare your mind to be unscientific, irrational, and often decrease your morality.
I do believe its worthless. It contributes nothing to humanity.
Write a story about God(s) and fill it with some mythical acts, magical tricks and put it in front of some uneducated population who are facing much hardships; market it wisely and a new religion will be formed.
Just imagine -...
With these you all are disagreeing with the Koran and acts of Mohammed. It is far far better to say that you accept that there are such versus of low morale in koran and that you being much more cultured morally, doesn't agree with any of those.
I really don't know how i would face this -but since I don't believe in any religion (that there is no truth in any religion which talks about "God is this not and not that" etc, etc..), I don't think it would be like anything Islam has ever claimed.
With this, I am answering your question...
Some religions/cultures had God who commits rape, murder and all other kind of unethical acts. Every religion projects their God to be the most "perfect" but for the thinking person, things just wont add up as you said.
Our God(s) that came through religion are all just fakes, are just...
Oh! yes. In that case, tell that unfortunate publisher that I have some advice for him too, and@Revoltingest advices should come as a bonus if he is fortunate enough.
It seems some of your thoughts doesn't agree with your religion. A lot of Why's and How's - Why? because its your rational mind along with your morale is the true gift of God.
Even the simplest atom has tremendous information in it. If God is the creator of the whole universe, then...