Christ has warned us, “Take heed that no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many”. — Matthew 24:4-5. One of the deception of today, is tongue speaking. The experience which the disciples went through has been perverted by professed Christians...
Scripture teaches that men ought to, "Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man." - Ecclesiastes 12:13. Christ's testimony, is that, "I have kept my Father’s commandments, and abide in his love." - John 15:10. Christ did not just keep the law for his own good but...
The Mark of beast? Many have heard the term, but who truly understand it? There are many theories about the mark, and the image but, are they biblical? In this study we will get a biblical perspective on this issue.
The Mark of the beast is first mentioned in Revelation thirteen. The warning...
There some text of scripture you have to look into for example the creation of man. Genesis 1:26-27 said God created male and female but not the same day according to the account in Genesis chapter 2. So this text is the same you have to look into it to get the full understanding
That is reference to the ceremonial law which was done away with at the death of Christ at the cross. The ceremonial pointed to coming of Christ and his death
I do my best to explain. God himself did not harden his heart. You must look into the text. God is just and love, this doesn't line up with the bible. He in his will allowed the pharaoh to be there because he was prideful and harden in heart, had there been an easy going pharaoh the children...
I will only say this, God didn't really harden his heart. Pride harden his heart because he would not acknowledge the sovereignty of God. He taught himself a god. Each plague harden his heart, because he would not submit. That I why God said he would "harden his heart" the very existence of...
Warnings are meant to be heard and obeyed, if not contrary to one's faith. Warnings are acts of mercy. If heed can save one's life; or stay retribution. Pharaoh the king of Egypt, received his last warning from God, before the death of his firstborn son. Had he heeded the warning he could, have...
If you read and believe the bible you'll see that God made the weekly cycle not man. read genesis. In that weekly cycle you'll find is seventh day Sabbath
Adam was created on the six day and God rested on the seventh day. So Adam kept the Sabbath with God. Jesus himself said if you love me keep my commandments. John15:10&14:15 that includes the seventh day Sabbath of the fourth commandment. Which falls every week Saturday. Which is Gods sign to...
If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight, the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine own words: Isaiah 58:13 it is the Lord's day...
Most Christian don't understand or care for the seventh day Sabbath. They see it as a burden, Jewish Sabbath, and no longer abiding. Scriptures is often quoted as to why they neglect their duty to keep holy the seventh day Sabbath of the fourth commandment. The bible only promotes and sanction...