You should more read about kangaroos before comparing them with vermin like foxes and rabbits. Non Methane producing, low fat, low cholesterol, high protein, soft feet, do not eat plants to ground like sheep and goats destroying the plant meristem, massively less erosion, rapid population...
Educate to raise the standard of living in Africa and Asia this will decrease the dependency on large families and therefore decrease population pressure. Also release two red kangaroos in Africa, which are drought resistant, and stop the famines that regularly affect the African People.
Why not fix up the social failures of the systems people immigrate from. If all of Africa moves to Europe because they cant beat a couple of El Kababs, then economically this would drag the European standard of living to a third of its current level, no nation will accept that much degradation...
Through gravity we are coupled to moments, which are coupled to moments, which are coupled to moments, such that to actually travel a "straight path" is rather difficult.
So far all you have shown me is you agree with this book more than that book. Why not read all books and make you own informed world view without the constraints of someone else's analogous interpretation of the world. I have never heard of Asatruar do they have a female god or something to...
Interesting when you plot the 2D image on a sphere we get a nice red spiral on a blue background, sounds like its twisting to me.
Here I did a rough map to sphere in illustrator
Blue Print for a Rotating Universe - G. Chapline, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA 94550
I am a senior science teacher with a CPL(H), photo is me after landing in a Hughie 300ci VH-HYD in Melbourne, Australia.
Here I am taking off in a Schweitzer 269ci N1814Z at Van Nuys Airport north of Los Angeles, USA.
so show me the cool pic you mentioned
I consider the "the universe formed out of nothing or a point source" concept nonsense.
Everything in this universe rotates including the universe itself. Although the current rate of universal rotation is minuscule in the order of 10^-13 radius per sec, if we go back in time, where the...
I would have said it was purely metaphoric defining, early on, differentiating socialized and unsocialized humans which over time leads to a dominance of socialized co-operative group that is eventually stronger than the smaller fragmented "more animalistic - survival orienated" primitive...
While almost all people will at some time ponder the big questions most are happy to leave it in the too hard basket labeled "God did It" and get on with day to day family survival and work.Very few go on to make it a life long pursuit.
I think of populations of humans as consisting of 90%...
Dumping all the atoms in one place and hoping we get a living object is a stretch. However the fact we exist indicates it is actually possible, but not by simply dumping a pile of atoms in a jar and gently shaking.
Computers are rapidly advancing with connection counts doubling, according to...
Definitely a step in the right direction, but it is a bit amateurish if it has to compete with some of the slick ISIL presentations that are professionally tailored to appeal to the disillusioned testosterone powered youth in rebellion mode, under the veneer of a pseudo-religion.
Morals are relative but some seem more conducive to social harmony eg the last 6 commandments. In modern Societies, where the law works, it takes the position of moral director, and is generally observed by the public in these societies. Hitler was a product of his time using xenophobia to reek...