A lot are ruined by the endings - where it turns out to eb some stupid alien thing.
I did find The Blair Witch Project scary (probably the only one who did!)
Most things with ghosts, set in old houses where a horrible murder happened freak me out.
In someways I do admire those who choose to be chaste for life - priests, nuns, monks.
Shows a lot of dedication. I'm terrible with commitment, so it's positive to see.
In the grand scheme of things, life is short.
And you could die tomorrow - that makes it shorter.
When I think about all the things I want to do in my lifetime, it makes me realise how short a time I actually have on this earth.
Sorry - been away for a while with limited internet access.
I'm in the UK.
It's been a strange month. Just trying to find my place in the church I guess. But, I still love it!
I guess for me it would be hip hop and jazz.
They both have their talents, but I just find jazz boring. Some hip hop is good, but it's not for me and I don't like the swear words and anti women/ homophobic content in many.
No, I absolutely love my scriptures!
I find they for into daily life easily and everything I do can be related back to them.
I love studying scripture and love how it can take some effort at times to understand, whilst over times it's so clear. Just like life.