Yeah, maybe only those who accept Christianity are protected by it and judged by it's example. That leaves each to their own faiths. Now you're going to ask me by what example are Atheists judged?
The inferred evidence in the presence of 'lack of evidence' as you presented, includes any theory. Thankyou for providing the basis for this conclusion with your presentation concerning the lack of evidence for a gene contributing to schizophrenia.
* Note (from an alternate scholar)
"The Hebrew word Qabalah or Kabbalah, which roughly means "Received (wisdom)," has many alternative spellings. It has become an accepted practice to make these spelling differences meaningful by letting Kabbalah refer to the system of strictly Jewish mysticism...
If anything, your presentation does more to support alternative theories of psychic derangement than to dismiss them.
The assertion of an alternate prognosis accomplished that.
Thankyou for raising that question, Kueid, I admit I was a bit timorous over raising it myself after the OP's behavior, and became hesitant with the concern of contributing to a possible case of IBS.
Personally I don't believe in a Heaven beyond the state of 'Advantage'. I believe there are advantaged and disadvantaged spirits here on Earth just as there are advantaged and disadvantaged people. This Heaven on Earth scenario of advantaged people and spirits ties in with the runaway ego and an...
1./ Perhaps we can begin with the agreement that God is a supportive element within the matrix wherein children play.
2./ And then agree that variety in evolution creates a closer proximity to a state of Happiness.
3./And then agree some more on how the ego separates us from unselfishness...