I personally could never support a leader that says these things, and this video doesn't even contain the more hateful stuff:
"Part of the problem...is that no one wants to hurt each other anymore, right?"- Donald Trump
@metis I find his blatant disregard for humanity perhaps more alarming than all of that. There's some indicators there we're dealing with a real fascist on a leash at present.
I've thought about going that route a few times, because of how broad I can be in my Buddhism. It encompasses at least some Hindu and Jain thought as well.
Purgatory is seemingly referenced by Paul when he says if your works are burned up you will be saved as by fire. @metis has already gone into this, but Jews hold a belief in merit conveyed to the deceased through prayers for them.
2017-2018 has also been bad for me now that I think about it, because I've had to watch my country go increasingly down the drain since Trump entered office- and watch it go down the gutter on empathy, sympathy, and intelligent discourse. That certainly hasn't helped make my worse year any better.
That's interesting. I was actually thinking Muhammad could fit verses with such a political flair better than Jesus as well. Muhammad did at first claim to come to the Jews as their prophet.
Why does it have to be that an afterlife is contingent on a soul? Buddhists don't believe in souls, but we do believe life continues by it's very nature because of what it is. That the soul concept is not necessary to this. I understand though we're talking about two widely differing belief...
Tell me this doesn't sound like death itself:
Some people also find the Stone Tower music really dystopian and disturbing in a certain way, but I like it: