If Atheism is rejecting of faith then one should also reject the supernatural. Matter being self-aware is pretty supernatural.
I am not a theist, but my personal stance on this does not matter, i am just a text on your screen :)
BTW did anyone provided evidence for free will?
I know but...
I skimmed through it and it seems like some Olympic level mental gymnastics with pinch of indirect dualism. Perhaps you could point me in the right direction by highlighting what you think is important from your own source?
I know this definition. But it is terrible and outdated definition since most of the arguments a "spiritual" atheist uses to disprove God can be used against his own "spiritual" views.
Also supernatural and materialism appears to be mutually exclusive.
Illusion of consciousness you mean? Otherwise we are talking about self-aware objects with free will. <-- and something like that requires a great amount of faith. EDIT: Not saying that Atheist are not faithful people... lol
Well they do use science to explain their position aren`t they? AFAIK...
I mean there is no free will or consciousness in Atheism (the absence of belief in the existence of supernatural) since according to them everything is material/physical. So how can they claim that their view is true if it was predetermined?