In Advaita Vedanta (Hinduistic Monism) we are also told to give up our identity with the body, mind and ego, since we are neither body, nor mind, nor ego, nor the social status or labels we acquire while we live on earth. We are pure Spirit / Consciousness. :)
The happiness you speak of, is only material happiness.
It is derived from sense gratification and is based on things external.
This kind of happiness can be intense but is short-lived. And when it is gone, there comes pain.
But there is another kind of happiness which is eternal ... It is...
That is so true. I was myself a hedonistic man in my youth. Couldn't live without gratifying my senses, lol, but now after all these years, i realize that i was a fool to run after pleasures and that it brought nothing but pain in my life.
I wish more and more people would wake up from this...
It is true, that its us humans who ignores God's messages and then we go on and do things which are forbidden in the scriptures, like sodomy, rape, murder etc. Then we suffer the consequences either in this life or in the next life and blame God.
We have to understand that there is a reason why...
I don't see God as bad because (as per Hinduism) we suffer because of our own past sinful actions.
But I do believe that He is somewhat incompassionate towards his children.
I mean even if we suffer due to our past karmas, that doesn't mean He should turn his back on us and leave us in our...
We all know the world is constantly changing and that nothing lasts forever and yet i see people all around me, getting along with their daily life as if there's nothing wrong.
Not once do they think that they're all gonna die (i.e. their vessels or sheaths gonna die).
Not once do they think...
We suffer because of our past evil karmas (as per Hinduism).
That past karma may have been performed in one's previous life or in this current life.
Even in the Bible it is mentioned, you reap what you sow.
Galatians 6:8 - The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap...
In my opinion, Everything is Brahman.
Sarvam Khalvidam Brahma - Chandogya Upanishad v3.141
Clay is Brahman (Nirguna / Impersonal / Unmanifested) ... and is the cause of all causes.
Potter is Brahman (Saguna / Personal God / Manifested) ... and is the secondary cause.
Wheel is Brahman (Brahman's...
So true. We have to still the mind. I completely forgot about this part. lol.
Your comment just reminded me of a line from Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, "yogas chitta vritti nirodha" which refers to stilling the mind in order to experience the Ultimate Reality. :)
The Holy Spirit is NOT the Paramatma.
The holy spirit moves from one location to another.
Luke 3:22 - ... and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove.
Whereas the Paramatma (or 'Atman' as the non-dualists / advaitins calls it)
is present everywhere like the sky or ether...
I just found this on the web, where Shankaracharya says, one actually meditates on Brahman.
Atma bodha, Sri Shankara says
विविक्तदेश आसीनो विरागो विजितेन्द्रियः । भावयेदेकमात्मानं तमनन्तमनन्यधीः ॥ ३८॥
One should sit in a solitary place with a mind free from desires and controlling the...
Thank you all for your valuable opinions. I get it, that our true nature is spirit or consciousness which is Atman or Brahman and that we're not the sheaths. Its the sheaths that are harmed or destroyed but not Atman / Brahman that remains in the background simply as a witness.
Now many of you...