Thanks ameyAtmA.
So when the scriptures say that prajapati brahma (the four headed creator) is responsible for the creation of all living beings, then should we consider that its not really the four headed brahma but his shakti who's creating everything??
When the vaishnavas claim that its...
I read in a book a long time back, that creation, preservation and destruction are carried out by Narayana who is Ishwara or purusha. Then what does the goddess/prakriti does? I know im not going to get a straight answer because each sect has their own supreme deity.
The Shaktaas would say that...
If its saguna sakara brahman Narayana (Purusha) who creates and preserves everything in this universe, and Shiva (Purusha) who destroys everything, then what is the job of prakriti or shakti?
Its true that the subtle/causal bodies houses the vasanas and samskaras but if you ask me, the subtle/causal bodies themselves are not destroyed in the case of enlightened beings, but only the vasanas and samskaras are exhausted (completely destroyed) and not the containers (subtle/causal...
As per advaita, jivas are nothing but sookskhma sharira. But i need to know how are jivas created.
Advaita believes that the jiva (which is sookshma sharira) stops exisiting upon videha mukti. So if there's an end for the jivas, there must be a beginning for the jivas as well.
Are jivas...
Yes that is exactly what im trying to say. That Yukteshshwar, Ramakrishna etc. have retained their inner subtle sheaths, with same facial and bodily features to help and guide the masses. They are no doubt jivan mukta (attained liberation while being alive) ... but did they attain complete...
If nirakara Brahman can manufacture bodies out of thin air, then why would IT create the same body again (same body of Yukteshwar, Ramakrishna etc.) Wouldn't IT rather create a different body, with different facial features?
Also i think that, even though they've retained their inner sheaths...
This shows that Yukteshwar, Shirdi Sai baba and Ramakrishna retained their inner sheath/subtle body/individuality after their demise and often appeared before their devotees in subtle bodies. Same happened with Jesus. On the third day he rose (in his subtle or astral body).
My point is, once an enlightened swami after his death, loses his jivahood (i.e. all the inner finer sheaths are being destroyed), then only Brahman or Universal Atman remains. This means that the enlightened person stops existing (this should be true mukti IMO). When such a true mukti occurs...
If some take bodies voluntarily as you said, then that means even after the so called moksha, there remains somebody in higher lokas, in his inner or finer sheaths, who haven't completely merged with Brahman, who on his own free will manifests a physical body.
I mean, in order to manifest in a...
Thanks ajay0. So upon videha mukti, (mukti after death) the inner sheaths ceases to exist and only the universal Atman remains right?
I'm asking this because i need to be sure what happens on videha mukti, like what exactly the advaitin masters have commented on videha mukti?
Do you think the...
Is it true that jiva is beginingless?
I know that maya which is brahman's power, is no doubt beginingless. But i came upon a post on HDF where the OP (original poster) stated that jiva and maya both are beginingless.
How can jiva (the subtle/causal body) be eternal or beginingless, when...
So after videha mukti, there remains no personality or individuality right?
There would remain no spark of light (jivas) in higher lokas after videha mukti. There would be no swami xyz sitting in higher lokas like tapaloka, satyaloka etc. absorbed in meditation after videha mukti. Am i right...
Right. And may i know what happens on videha mukti (mukti after death)?
The inner sheaths like subtle and causal bodies, do they stop existing on videha mukti and then only the omnipresent Atman remains??
@Aupmanyav, Yes we are all Brahman, but we are under ignorance (under the avidya aspect of maya) and so we are nothing but ordinary jivas. Whereas, terms like 'God' or 'Avatara' are used for those, who are totally or partially above the aspect of maya.
Upon moksha, we advaitins can become one...
Me and ameyAtmA were discussing on prana airs (prana vayus), on another forum (HDF) whether the pranas transmigrate with the subtle body or do they get absorbed in the atmosphere. He said that it gets absorbed in atmosphere, but i found texts based on the scripture vedanta sara that says they...
@Shantanu, I'm familiar with the advaita that Shankara preached. The one that ajay0, atanu, George, AmeyAtmA believes in. Not sure which one you're following.
I'm still in the learning phase. (Its been only a few months since i was introduced to this philosophy). And there's great joy in...
@Shantanu, If you are really God in flesh (God in human form), then i'm sure you can even raise the dead, like how Jesus raised Lazarus or you can lift a mountain with ease by your little finger, like how Krishna did.
Thanks ajay0. Translators like Gambhirananda and Alladi Mahadeva Sastri while translating gita verse 2.22, have mentioned in their commentary that the embodied one changes bodies without undergoing any change.
(reffering it to the universal Atman, since only Atman doesn't go through any change...