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  1. Blastcat

    Your best argument that G-d does not exist

    You might believe that God is only one being, and that's fine. But there are LOTS of gods people believe in. Which god do you believe in? Quetzalcoatl? Zeus? Vishnu? Jehovah? Allah? I can't GUESS, Trichakra :)
  2. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    ! True beliefs vs beliefs Me too. So.. good start. I love it when theists and atheists can agree like that.. Could you elaborate on how defining things leads to certainty? Ok, how about I play the devil's advocate for a bit and say that I define God as not being able to tell you the...
  3. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    Ok, you have a belief. How do you know that your belief is a true one? :)
  4. Blastcat

    What, if any, is the role of the scientific method in the theory of evolution?

    Are you talking about the theory of evolution.. or something else? "While the term Darwinism has remained in use amongst the public when referring to modern evolutionary theory, it has increasingly been argued by science writers such as Olivia Judson and Eugenie Scott that it is an...
  5. Blastcat

    What, if any, is the role of the scientific method in the theory of evolution?

    Yeah, well we can't reproduce the big bang in the lab, either.. or the weather of the Earth.. or even anything that happened in the PAST over billions of years.. should we throw all of that out too? Geology should be stopped? We can't re-created the creation of the world... not in a lab we...
  6. Blastcat

    Evidence for and against young earth creationism.

    Please explain what you mean by "evidence that can't be denied" You can deny anything that you like to deny. :)
  7. Blastcat

    String Theory Co-Founder: Sub-Atomic Particles Are Evidence the Universe Was Created

    The mind of God, we BELIEVE is? ... who is this "we"? I certainly do NOT presuppose a god with a mind that we can know about. If this quote is accurate, it's belief, opinion, but certainly NOT FACTS. Kaku is ENTITLED to his opinions. :)
  8. Blastcat

    Will there be freewill in the afterlife?

    I'm an atheist because I got de-wormed.
  9. Blastcat

    Will there be freewill in the afterlife?

    When you are DEAD... there's an actual AFTER life where you can have illusions? Must be nice to have that data. I wonder where one acquires that info? :)
  10. Blastcat

    Evolution and Creationism. Are they really different?

    It's easy, the Opinion starts with an O, yo. :)
  11. Blastcat

    Will there be freewill in the afterlife?

    Any word is fine as long as it's "good". :)
  12. Blastcat

    Is God Helpless under the Realm of Free Will????

    Well, you saved God from your judgement. He's GOT to be good, right? But.. if you actually READ the bible... you might conclude otherwise. Think of the MANY ways he actually ACTS like a total monster. Think of Genesis.. always a good place to start. Now, what did he do to poor Adam and Eve...
  13. Blastcat

    Will there be freewill in the afterlife?

    That makes no sense whatsoever. Technically? Sounds like double-talk to me. If there is ONLY one choice .. there IS no choice. You play silly word games. Divine command theory. Do as you are TOLD.... Whatever you do.. DON'T THINK. Just repeat what you are told. There's a good boy. No pain...
  14. Blastcat

    God decides to create and...

    So, if God can't create a better world than we see... how is that not PERFECT? :)
  15. Blastcat

    What is life?

    Well, that's really weird. Same life? Oh, come on, I'm not THAT old. Maybe you've never SEEN a baby. Yeah, you say that all life is one life and it's old. Weird. Strange. Well, thanks for sharing. :)
  16. Blastcat

    Religious Fundamentalism Could Soon be Treated as a Mental Illness

    It's a form of delusion. You know.. believing in stuff REALLY LOTS that aren't real.. hearing voices, blowing yourself up, killing your kids, that kind of thing. :)
  17. Blastcat

    Religious Fundamentalism Could Soon be Treated as a Mental Illness

    Bad. WAY TOO MANY OF THEM. The cost of therapy is prohibitive. Let's cure cancer, instead. :)
  18. Blastcat

    Evolution and Creationism. Are they really different?

    NoorNoor, you present your BELIEFS as if they were FACTS. That's nonsense. This is a belief, not a fact. This is another set of beliefs that are not facts. It is not a FACT that your god exists, but just that you believe it's a fact. Again, you only say what you believe in. These aren't...
  19. Blastcat

    Evolution and Creationism. Are they really different?

    You say that evolution is a fact and theory, and then you deny the theory?
  20. Blastcat

    Evolution and Creationism. Are they really different?

    Here is what James Tour has to say about Evolutions vs. Creationism And I quote: "Assuming that I have something significant to contribute to the evolution vs. creation debate, many ask me to speak and write concerning my thoughts on the topic. However, I do not have anything substantive to...