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  1. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    1. These experiences are not in any way proof or evidence to any other person than the one having them. They are personal. 2. Nobody can "trample" on your mystical experiences. People can trample all over bad reasoning. 3. If you don't want to share anything in a debate forum, it's your...
  2. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    Ohhh you told me off again. Good for you. What do you imagine are my concepts about reality and how do you imagine yourself discussing those if you can't use reason? You don't make sense. Delusional people seldom do. Feel free to tell me off again. :)
  3. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    Good for you. You really told me off. :)
  4. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    oohhhhhh i can be wrong.. so what did you say about reality?
  5. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    Arrogance isn't an argument. :)
  6. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    I'm not so dense as to try the argument from ad hominem. So let me revise what I said.. you imagine that reality is virtual. So, it’s not “solid” at a quantum level. Is a wall at a quantum level and not SOLID? If you can walk through a wall, I will call it an illusion. Right now, I...
  7. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    Are you a quantum particle? I'm happy to hear it. You aren’t quite as delusional as I first thought. We seem to agree that the parts are not the same as what the parts are a part of. Not at all. I never need to abandon reason. Do that all YOU like. But then, don't pretend to BE...
  8. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

  9. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    Well you think all of that material junk doesn't exist. You don’t believe in reality, remember? No. I know. Lol And A=non A. J
  10. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    The author of that quote is not a physicist. He is the Chartered Environmental Health Practitioner, Environmental Health & Housing Consultant Dr Stephen Battersby. http://www.sabattersby.co.uk/index.html He sounds like a nice enough guy. :)
  11. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    I am quite sure than on the MACRO level where we all live, walls are not "virtual" .. nobody can walk through them. If scientists could not MEASURE and OBSERVE anything, we would say that it doesn't exist. Unfortunately for your woo theory, scientists do and can. The Higgs was observed. Atomic...
  12. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    Words are descriptions of what we think about. Nobody is misunderstanding how language works in this thread but yourself. You might have trouble with the concept of reality, and how language works, but others don't. The REST OF US.. this "we" I refer to, don't. You seem to want to confuse us...
  13. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    Your ad hominem is noted.
  14. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    There are other people in here. Not all of them are taken in by your delusions. You confuse money for reality. You confuse basic needs with "addiction". Deepak does has a following. He sells woo for a living. The only person I have noticed having trouble with the moon metaphor is...
  15. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    I don’t refer to myself as “we”. You don’t seem to fully understand how certain English words work. In any case, that’s now how I use the word here. I don’t use the royal “we” to refer to myself, unless in JEST. And I can assure you, that most of what I write that doesn’t end in a smilie face...
  16. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    You are responding to BLASTCAT, not “catman”. I’m not the one who is being a little bit BLIND here, my friend. At least I get your NICKNAME right. You can keep repeating your delusion all you like, it’s not going to make it any more true or real. And in case you really haven’t NOTICED, I am NOT...
  17. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    It’s meaningless babble. You didn’t explain at all what you mean by the term. NOBODY can understand you if you don’t explain yourself using reason. This fits in with your delusion that are just IDEAS in your head. That doesn’t make nutty ideas any more true. I’m not the one pretending to...
  18. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    You are. You don't understand your own analogy, or it’s implications. No it doesn't mean that at all. I’m sure that you enjoy your delusion. You don't understand Quantum Physics. :)
  19. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    You are playing with words. Again, playing with words. Sure, you like to waste people's time pretending what other people MIGHT possibly believe. I couldn't care less about your fantasies. Oh, I know you aren't saying any deep. That's all TOO obvious. Your pretentiousness, however IS...
  20. Blastcat

    Experiencing God

    That doesn't mean that REALITY is virtual like in some "Matrix" movie.