James, not wanting to shake or stir you.. LOL.
Christianity , has a very set look on these things,...
"No greater love has a man for another, than to lay down his life for them."
In the UK we have seen policemen and civilians hurt and killed because they tried to protect people from terrorism...
Unless you can start with the Premise that the Christian faith is Jewish in that they believe in the true Messiah and that the roots are in Judaism then really you are just barking up the wrong tree.
Paganism has it's basis in the root of Satan as does all false religions. Age of it, matters not...
Will read through.
I do not accept that is bears directly on any questions of faith.
Since faith is not based on the things you have brought forward for thinking about.
Arguing back and forth isn't about faith??? Atheists cannot contribute nor be held as having right ideas when it comes to...
I am not sure where you get that belief from. You see you could obey the whole of the law of Moses.
It is believed by the Jews that anyone who does what God declares to be right is acceptable to God.
Christ's way for man to come to God has been seen by God using a man like Moses to bring them to...
Hi Q,
I feel religion is not a community affair. Like wheat and tares growing in a field all existing together, some people actually are different to others whatever their beliefs.
A religion should never be seen as a 'commodity' or a 'one size fits all', neither is it just a practice. We...
Windwalker, The truth is that you are assuming and have nothing to show which suggests that those who believe do not apply a sharp and critical eye regarding all things religious and unreligious.
It is a bunch of well placed words which actually mean nothing in the great scheme of faith. What...
The facts are not facts. You see a lot of things are assumed and not factual evidence. Set, Seth, Shaitan, Molech or Saturn are believed to other names for Satan and the Set/Seth the egyptian god who is believed to be Satan. Satan (Set) is the Deity, who is the adversary of truth, wisdom, love...
Show me where Christ, the disciples of God, taught the above in the bible?
You can't because manmade teachings do not count.
Which religion are your referring to? I think, as I have said before, you need to read the bible and know the faith before making uninformed statements and
unable to...
RUBBISH... I honestly don't know where you get the information from. But it is all lies. Satan the Father of all lies... Which is worse the fact he exists and is a liar or the fact people are still responding as Eve did and believing them.?
Not sure we can have a serious conversation about...
I am driven as a parent to want the best for my child. Baptism of water is something a Christian can do for their child as an infant because God includes their children in his plans for them.
The main Christian baptism is the Holy Spirit and each person must receive and ask for that themselves...
Just how would you do that with God?
What premise are you using as a starting point?
Surely God, if referring to the bible has shown how he exists and how man can learn if he exists so you have a mute point really.
Hasn't God already shown a higher and better way through forgiveness, love and...
That could have been copied and pasted from a book or even learned off by heart from another's teachings.
It does no such thing, as suggested by yourself.
You see Christ, Peter and Paul did everything to the Glory of God.
Had you been taught by God and not man, then you would have understood...
That is not true.... Not true because the RCC is NOT the Church of God in Christ Jesus. It is an abomination because it used the truth about Christ to gain power over people and not to make disciples of God through the power of truth and Spirit.
Jesus Christ, was a human being and he made God...
Good, you believe God forming man out of the earth is more likely????
God created the dirt, it didn't create itself. More importantly he breathed life into the man he created.
The same power that causes that soil to produce living things today like plants.... I suppose your unable to process...
Explain the power of God and why the Sorceror could not buy it? Then you will see how everyone knows your answer to be illogical and without understanding.