That’s true … it was a message for the time and place. I don’t think God likes to reinvent the wheel, but rather he just repeats himself (I could never be God … I hate repeating myself :D).
yada yada hi dharmasya
glanir bhavati bharata
abhyutthanam adharmasya
tadatmanam srijamyaham
I don’t think he meant he was the only way for all time. He had also said he came to call the lost sheep of Israel.
And even if he was saying he was the only way, what was he saying any different from others who came before or after him. His teachings focused on devotion to and love of God...
No doubt, they’re known to screw up. I don’t think the state has a right to dictate what one does with or to their body. So, I don’t think it should be any sort of state or federal issue.
It doesn’t matter what is in a state constitution. The US Constitution supersedes and overrides state constitutions. Always. That the US Constitution doesn’t address Roe v. Wade makes it a states’ rights issue. That the US Constitution doesn’t address a right to privacy makes it a states’ rights...
I’m still not in a position to set up my shrine due to being up to our armpits in unopened boxes. No puja in two weeks… I found everything just today. But I talk to the Gods. How I hate moving.
But that’s only incidentally related to my point here …
The apartment is oriented largely NW/SE...
I’m not jumping on you, I know you’re just passing it on. I’ve seen this before and it annoys me because it’s always some westerner (said by the Sicilian-American Hindu convert) who tries to mash and conflate religions into one.
And while I truly do believe RV 10.164.46 (èkam sadviprah … )...
Thanks, we're happy too. I haven't been waking up in a panic, that's if I did sleep. We still have a bunch of stuff to move including our clothes. It will probably take a few more days to be completely out of the old place. It's amazing what a couple can accumulate in 28 years. :rolleyes:
So yeah … we’re moved. Well, 98% by now. The movers came on Friday for the furniture and the trazillions of boxes my pack rat husband had stored in the attic and downstairs closet. My stepson came also and mostly handled the boxes. He’s a big guy and gave a good account of himself. He and the...
Yes, possibly and probably.
Whenever there is decay of righteousness, O Bharata,
And there is exaltation of unrighteousness, then I Myself come forth ;
For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers,
For the sake of firmly establishing righteousness, I am born from age to...
A fourth person is possible. It exists in Ojibwe:
Like most Algonquian languages, Ojibwe distinguishes two different kinds of third person, a proximate and an obviative. The proximate is a traditional third person, while the obviative (also frequently called "fourth person") marks a less...
They both say that God is everything and everything is God. This is not unlike Brahman in Hinduism, which btw is both pantheistic and panentheistic without being mutually exclusive. Brahman is technically not God, but for the sake of discussion we'll dispense with that. Sarvam khalvidam brahma...
I say no unless they are the Japanese tabi socks and sandals. I really want those. Channeling my inner samurai, maybe? :shrug:
In any case, please please please for the love of all that's not tacky, do not wear black dress shoes, black socks, a button up shirt and walking shorts. My late...
Y'know, I was about to give an update ... for the past few days. :D
We're scheduled to move on June 14th. We have an apartment. It's a one bedroom not far from here. The living room/dining room area and bedroom really are about the same size as we have now. It's just the extra bedroom and loft...
When I was Catholic and went to Sunday School, aka CCD classes the nuns used to say he is actually very attractive and charismatic. That's why people are drawn to him. Btw, Jesus in that picture ain't no slouch either.
****!!! I'd be all over him like a duck on a junebug!
And then of course there's this guy. He looks more mischievous than evil. Mmm mmm mmm!
Somebody's knocking, should I let him in?
Lord, it's the devil. Would you look at him.
I heard about him but I never dreamed
He'd have blue eyes and...