You are aware that homosexual sex is not the sole vector for HIV/AIDS? HIV/AIDS can be spread not only through contact with semen but also blood and breast milk.
Informed, learned study of the textus is neither 'ignoring' the text nor is it tap-dancing although it may look like that to the ignorant regardless of whether that ignorance is chosen or simply accidental.
The Bible is not a science-text, the writers followed their world-views, Just as I do not allow the Bible to influence my view of the cosmos, I do not allow 2000 year old POVs regarding homosexuality to influence me.
Unfortunately for you, the Hebrew is not as clear as the English makes it appear. In Roman characters the verse reads as follows "..."V'et zachar lo tishkav mishk'vey eeshah toeyvah hee. . ."
and literally means "And with a male you shall not lay lyings of a woman"
You must take the verse in...
Theoretically they do but... no female may ever serve on the Universal House of Justice during the time of the Baha'i dispensation (according to Shoghi Effendi's interpretation of Abdu'l-Baha's Tablets.)
You cannot paint a whole population in that way without receiving some comeback. Like saying all Muslims are terrorists or all blacks are drug-users; it is BS of the worst kind and reflects an inability to think .