Going forward, would anyone else (because there are those on this thread who have) like to try to answer the OP "with the Bible" ? Which is in fact built into the question in the op.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Despite asking what the written scriptural purpose for baptism in Jesus name is, I get a lot of "my perspective" type answers. Muffled also pointed back to his "belief" of the connection with John's baptism.
I wonder why.
Is what the Bible "says" no longer...
It started as
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:...
Not, Let's make God in our image. The male concept started with the creator, not man.
Human nature is to divide and proliferate. I believe it entirely plausible that "God" started things out as He desired and we humans, wanting to follow our own way(s), have obscured how God started it out, by proposing so many choices.
Either one belief system is right and all the other ones wrong, or everybody is wrong, but everybody cannot be right. There cannot simultaneously exist realities, as described in Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Etc. They are mutually exclusive. So the real God will tell it to those who will...
I'm not saying it's effective without scceptance, but you are when you say "nothing but". That's what "nothing but" means. Unless you wish to recant that it's not "nothing but"...
Ok, but what is the Biblically "stated" purpose of baptism in Jesus's name? Are you really proposing the Bible doesn't state such a purpose, and we are left with no recourse but to look at John's baptism?
Agreed Acts 3:19.
Ok, but that's a "traditional" teaching, not a "Biblical" teaching on baptism in Jesus's name.
What is the Biblical "written" purpose of baptism in Jesus's name?
Such atrocities were committed well after the first century and after the church had let go of the standard. Correct, I don't see Jesus participating in the inquisition, and I also don't see the first century Church participating in the Crusades.
Thank you for your patience.
You got me. I actually forgot about Acts 9:17.
Acts 9:17-18 Then Ananias went to the house and entered it. Placing his hands on Saul, he said, “Brother Saul, the Lord---Jesus, who appeared to you on the road as you were coming here---has sent me so that you may see...
In my life I've been a part of only three belief systems. Methodist, Baptist, and Church of Christ. I'm still not clear on Methodist teachings.
Thank you. I agree that all these are a part of baptism in Jesus's name, but for it to be a "written" purpose for baptism in Jesus's name there still...
I agree, Christ did preach a message of repentance and of the good news.
Are you saying that, due to this similar preaching, baptism in Jesus's name after He was resurrected was a baptism of repentance?
It doesn't say any thing like "Paul received the Holy Spirit when....". The closest the scriptures say is what Paul believed when or at point a person receives the Holy Spirit.
Acts 19:2-5 He said to them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" And they said to him, "No, we have...
No, that's just finding anyway to force the scriptures to agree with a preconceived idea. That is called assimilation when a learner encounters a new idea (Colossians 2:6), and must 'fit' that idea into what they already know (the recent "accepting Jesus as savior" method of getting saved). We...