Is anyone willing to do the work I'm finding a scripture with the word baptism, or any derivative of the word baptism such as baptized, that speaks of its purpose and post those scriptures here. Citing a page full of scriptures with the word baptism and asking me to sift through them is not...
Ok, thank you. Please pick from this list of scriptures, and some of them do, that speak of the purpose of baptism in Jesus's name (not the baptism of John).
I've not seen a verse that says the purpose thereof is to publicly identify with Jesus.
There is certainly a commitment of individuals and the church to disciple as per Matthew 28:20, but there's no verse that says you get baptized "in order for" the church to disciple you. So what do the...
This might be a difficult question to answer:
What do the written scriptures say is the (or a) purpose of baptism in Jesus's name? Specifically, what do the texts say?
That depends. The "Biblical" phrase is Colossians 2:6 As you therefore have "received Christ Jesus the Lord", so walk in Him,
The evangelical phrase is "accepting Jesus as Lord and Savior."
There is no such method in the Bible.
It's time for that to go away.
“Why do we have to “accept” Christ to make our salvation count? If Christ’s sacrifice is wholly sufficient, why do I have to do something (“believe”) to get it? Doesn’t that make it not truly “Christ alone”?”
Colossians 2:6 Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him...
Wanting it won't make it appear in your home. You have to go pick it up, or do the due diligence to have it delivered. If nothing but Jesus's blood was required, then everyone on earth since the time of His death would have instantly been saved, whether they wanted to or not.
Through faith is not synonymous with through faith alone.
Agreed, but the Bible never speaks of the dangers of someone thinking they "earn" salvation. That's a modern day concern and catchphrase.
The Bible never says it has nothing to do with what you do. It only says not of works. "Doing"...