Interesting :) My current understanding is that Rebirth is an " always on " phenomena. So we do not stop being reborn unless/until one recognises that life has served it spiritual purpose and there will be no rebirth. This recognition is enlightenment/nibbana.
Sorry to read this news!
perhaps we should begin by stating that violence is never right between any person. This then highlights how her act of violence is the real wrong doing and your friend was a strong man mentally in his choice of actions.
Personally I feel the way we act can not be...
Interesting article, Trey.
Put that way Heathen, it makes you wonder what Eugene Isenberg knows that 1666 others do not. Any guesses anyone, what makes the Eugene Isenbergs from the Joe blogs?
Bascially it comes down to interpretation of the Vedas (Upanishads). This is the issue Adi Shankara and the other Acharyas had to explain. For Adi Shankara (Advaita) the world is explained as Maya; only apparently real. As we know, Sri Krishna explains maya in the Bhagavad Gita.
For Achintya...
:) Good quote.
Forgive a tangent... but perhaps it is useful to add a small point here. This Bhagavad Gita line caused me some trouble some time back as in Vedanta it is said that Brahman is Atman. Brahman can be known as SatCitAnanda (Beingness-Consciousness-Bliss). Vedanta also states...
I see the mind as material and for the sake of understanding would describe mind as seperate to the Highest Consciousness i.e. Self, Brahman etc, because the mind is subject to change whereas the Self is not.
As K.Venugopalji mentions, I think the issue will come down to sanskrit and...
If the religion is soteriological, then the answer in analogy is: how can a man lost in a cave show others how to escape from the cave? He cannot.
Buddha and others chose to show others how to understand and arrive at the same goal they themselves had found. So it may not be as helpful for...
According to wikipedia (if that is anything to go on):
On the earthly, material level it may only remain as speculation as we will not know Vaikuntha until we obtain moksha. In other words, striving for Moksha will result in an answer to your question. :) Even if such wordy descriptions only...
That is how to experience it, yes.
The body cannot ever be without experience. When we focus on the quality of experience, it comes down to like - dislike, hot - cold, right - wrong etc. We can choose to recognise that life is itself a stream of changeful experience.
In my view everything...
If we start with the premise that creation isn't seperate to the creator, then all that there is is experience. In this case everything (i.e. change in matter over time in space) is the experience of God Himself. Creation then is just the experience of God's being. All coming and going and all...
The price of goods is based on desire and image, imho. The tobacco may differ due to climate differences, however personally I prefer non-cuban flavours.
Thanks to you both, the answers are helpful. :)
There appears to be a hint of an explanation to your question in wikipedia based on Yogacara's doctrine of the store consciousness or eighth consciousness. No doubt it is explaind in more detail elsewhere, but here it is:
Link: Yogacara -...
Hi Rev,
A small question, why do you say that everything is mind? Is there a source stating that somewhere, as I would be interested to read it, please?