I was SO annoyed by this that I actually sought out the School's website and emailed them expressing my disgust at their actions.
Further as to the teacher and performance issues, she has taught there for 28 years, you'd have thought that these 'performance issues' would have raised up before...
Various people,
St. Francis of Assisi
Te Whiti O Rongomai
Myriads of others, people I have known and people I have read of.
It is REALLY important to read things carefully. No one in the report said calling God male enables abusers what the report said was
Of course hearing sermons and comments which seem to make God only male will have this kind of effect. That is why it is important for Christians...
Having spent time as an Elder and Minister in the Community of Christ (formerly RLDS) I have to say you're actually wrong. Most non-LDS Mormons are quite aware of LDS teachings.
Hey Becky,
Back in those long ago days when I was an elder. I taught adult SS; Gospel Doctrine; Inservice etc. I still have folks tell me I know nothing about the LDS church.
What the hey!
Given the effect on the Sciences of the Muslim scientists from the 700s onwards, you may want to reconsider Dawkins second remark. Sometimes it is the belief that knowledge is the glory of human-beings and the intent of God that drives folk to seek it in the first place.
The redefinition of Section 3 of the GCs will haunt America should it pass. Because it works BOTH ways, if it is no longer, in America's opinion an offense to torture others, it can no longer be an offense to torture US soldiers and citizens.
Perhaps some long, hard thought needs to be put in...
I don't believe I've EVER been given a penguin before! Truly a new high has been reached!
I had a good birthday, spent time with family and friends, went out and had fun making pizzas and watching the World's fastest Indian. Great movie!
I think Ms. Greer was annoyed that she has not been in the news recently. Now to things of greater import than Germaine Greer. if anyone here would like to leave Terri and Bindi and Bob a message of sympathy, you can do it here
Nope, One I have heard is that we want to take Iran and Iraq back over and "forge a new persian empire." obviously someone was taking something OTHER than perscription drugs THAT day.