I was a little surprised the other day to hear Richard Dawkins say he reads Ecclesiastes and something else that I can't recall at the moment on a regular basis because he thinks they are pretty but really, it isn't that surprising. There are many reasons to be fascinated by the Hebrew...
I think it's almost like asking someone for the personal details of their marriage. It's none of anyone else business. There are things that can be shared, sure. But there are also things that are very personal and we cannot be expected to just spill our guts for anyone and everyone. In many...
I actually thought the retention rates for Christians would be higher. Maybe that's my own experience shining through, also the fact that they break it down by denomination. If you were raised Baptist and then join a Pentecostal church, I'd say you haven't switched faiths. You just attend at a...
I took on a second Hebrew name when I converted to Judaism. I have considered making it my legal middle name but I'm still not sure, since I was named after my grandmother.
Name: Dena
Age: 30
Hometown: Midwest
Special Position in congregation (if applicable): None
How did you come about praticing Judaism? Explain. (ex. born into the religion, chose to as an adult, etc.) I converted in 2011
How often do you worship or attend services? Why do you worship? It...
I hope I didn't sound "touchy". Not at all. I just meant that it matters not whether it literally happened. What matters is that we continue the telling, the recreating, the imaging because there are still lessons to be learned and shared. It is truth. It maybe not be truth in the way we usually...
Do you get up at a certain time of morning to say a certain prayer or do a meditation or ritual?
I try to remember the Modeh Ani when wake up but I often forget. I have a print of it next to my bed to help me remember.
Do you pray before you eat?
Sometimes but again, I often forget.