Here's a scholarly article on shia Islamic view on Zoroastrianism:
Is Zoroastrianism a divine faith? - IslamQuest.NET
It is a divine religion, just like Judaism and Christianity. And its subscribers are also among the people of scriptures.
No, I don't. And here is what is proposed:
I condemn Taliban totally. But not others. As for Hamas, just like any other Muslim Brotherhood movement, it has fragments, and not a perfect leadership which sometimes ands up in tragedies...
Iraqi Sunni Muslims and Christians take refuge into Shia Muslim majority cities and shia islamic shrines when they were persecuted by the ISIL and refused by Kurds as well.
In videos:
News in...
I know that. But sometimes it is necessary we make our stand against these criminal people. As in disassociation from the enemies of God, religions and nations. But, as you say, I will refrain from that.
Yes, it was. And why do you think I don't condemn them as well? I and other Muslim brethren condemn these political movements such as al-Qaeda, ISIL, Boko Haram, etc. more than anyone do.
Iraq and the Post-war Conflicts -
So, I differentiate the movements which do not represent...
Yes, it is moral. In the end, I am not stereotyping a religion or its subscribers (Judaism and Jews), I am talking about Zionism and its followers (which includes "Jewish", "Christian", "Muslim", etc. Zionists). And I don't see any wrong in condemning a political movement which is based upon...
I don't cure them for being the others. I curse them (zionists) because of their rebellion against God and their crimes against humanity. Though, yes, cursing is not considered a deed in Islam. But it is a natural result of disassociation from evil-doers and their acts. And I disassociate from them.
Here's a sunni sheikh discussing: "The Modern Jihadists: Khawarij or Mujahideen?"
The Modern Jihadists: Khawarij or Mujahideen? ~ Dr. Yasir Qadhi - YouTube
You are a joke. Do you know that?
ISIS uses the name of Islam and persecutes both Muslims and Christians and you use the name of ISIS and oppose unrelated countries like Iran and unrelated resistance movemets like Hamas.
Christians in Lebanon and Palestine praise Hamas, Islamic Jihad and...
In the name of God. Salam.
Here are some examples to the largest peaceful Muslim gatherings in history:
* An estimated 20 to 25 million people visited the shrine of Husayn ibn Ali in Karbala, Iraq during Arba'een in December 2013.
* An estimated 15 to 18 million people visited the shrine of...
It was, brother, and I mentioned over and over that if they want to discuss such things, they can start new threads. However, I won't join such discussions at least with this kid, not until he apologizes for his manner.
And it is surprising, that Islamophobics / Iranophobics are so much filled...
Thanks for informing, sister, though I did not go through the FB page. It looks like a celebrity magazine, so no thanks. I see one person that way is enough for me. :o
However, I need to say that, I don't think it is a huge movement. Neither it is a sincere one. And I heard there has been...
Haha. Well, brother, they have such video games too. Please check these ones:
Category:Video games developed in Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No, not at all, this is misinformation. Islam talks about both Imam Mahdi and Jesus the Messiah, hand in hand, establishing justice and peace...