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Search results

  1. Anti-Constantine

    God's name?

    I first came across this phenomena in a Jewish forum, it was highly prevalent and I did not see God typed out while on that forum. I had assumed it was a Jewish thing to type God "G_D" as a means avoiding using God as a name. I came across it later at the Mormon Apologetics and Discussion...
  2. Anti-Constantine

    Unbiased sources on LDS history

    I have yet to come across a historical text that could be considered unbiased. All texts tend towards one side or the other when it comes to the LDS Church. If you want truly unbiased texts, some of the history books that deal with the region and speak of the LDS as a mere side note tend to be...
  3. Anti-Constantine

    Questions about...

    I am confident God knew the probabilities of various things occurring. Probability and destiny are two separate concepts. If we were set on a specific course, we would not be responsible for our actions. If we were not wholly responsible for our actions punishment for said actions would be...
  4. Anti-Constantine

    What is that thing in front of Mormon Churches?

    Someone somwhere must believe that this is a good and beautiful symbolic representation of devotion to God, but I agree with Katzpur's ugly comment.
  5. Anti-Constantine

    What is that thing in front of Mormon Churches?

    Here is what I think the post is referencing. There are similar meeting house designs as well. www . ldschurchtemples.com/taipei/gallery/download.php?id=258 Sorry for the spaces in there, haven't posted enough to post images or links.
  6. Anti-Constantine

    LDS: What is "doctrine"?

    The doctrine of the LDS Church is found in our standard works: The Bible, The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine & Covenants and The Pearl of Great Price. Other texts and statements are aids and current practice of the Church oftentimes, but not doctrine. Kolob is mentioned in the following verses...
  7. Anti-Constantine

    Voting for the amendment is not taking away people's Rights

    Skating brought me happiness. Yet for some reason it was illegal to do it in the manner I was doing it. Marriage isn't a right. Neither is skating.
  8. Anti-Constantine

    Voting for the amendment is not taking away people's Rights

    When I was a kid, I had my rights taken away, they told me don't skate on the public property around the courthouse. Your claim here is weak. All laws impede someones rights, and those rights can in fact be viewed as protected by the BoR.
  9. Anti-Constantine

    What's the purpose of prison?

    Punishment is at best suppressive. This means that the behavior being punished is not changed or done away with. Thus, a simple "punishment" is insufficient. Punishment also needs to be instant and severe, to be effective. The behavior being punished is the behavior that occurs immediately...
  10. Anti-Constantine

    Jesus: God or not? (Christians only)

    The Trinitarian concept is very close to our view of the Godhead. The difference is that the Three beings that compose the Godhead are together eternally God, past, present and future, whereas our view is that Christ is a God separate from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Often the...