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Search results

  1. S

    Was Jesus gay?

    Quite frankly, I don't care whether or not he was gay, since, as you correctly point out, his sexuality has absolutely no effect on anything he said. But there are two ways to approach proof of his sexuality: 1) If we believe that Jesus was a fictional character, then the only way he can be...
  2. S

    Was Jesus gay?

    Right.So, like I said, only if one of the people who wrote the Bible came back to life and confirmed Jesus' homoesexuality, as J.K. Rowling did (minus the coming back to life part, since, as far as I know, J.K. Rowling is not a zombie... yet), then we can all start operating under the newfound...
  3. S


    God is just a word that has infinite meaning. It is what you believe it to be or disbelieve it to be. There's no enough evidence either way to prove or disprove his existence, but as long as your God doesn't tell you to harm others or yourself, then at the end of the day, it shouldn't matter...
  4. S

    Aliens and Religion

    Just a little thought experiment: Let's assume for a second that there are a multitude of other life-bearing planets out there in the universe. That these planets have evolved a species (their biology is irrelevant for the purposes of this question) that has similar intelligence to ours...
  5. S

    Alien religions?

    i think a more interesting question might not be human religions based on aliens, but alien religions on humans (or whatever else they might be based on).
  6. S

    Sex and Spirituality

    Additionally, being able to "release" more often than not significantly decreases the risk of prostate cancer, since it clears out the impurities that are stored in that area. Where you choose to put those impurities is either a matter of choice or opportunity. And I agree with OP that sex can...
  7. S

    Was Jesus gay?

    I think there's just as much evidence in the Bible that Jesus is gay as there were in the Harry Potter books that Dumbledore was gay. Basically, unless one of the apostles comes back to life and tells us that, "Yes, in fact, Jesus was gay", then the whole issue is up to interpretation and will...
  8. S


    Has anybody here seen the BBC series, "Look Around You?" It sounds like you'd enjoy it, based on the way you question the way the world works.
  9. S

    So I just started reading The God Delusion..

    I'm halfway through the God Delusion right now (which I'm reading in concurrently with the Bible and the Torah... which perhaps might not be the best idea). I think that Dawkins has some valid arguments, and I am particularly in agreement with his 'crane vs. skyhook' postulate in defense of...
  10. S


    If P1 and P3 are not definitively true, then the statement as a whole is not definitively true. Without undeniable evidence that affirms points 1 and 3, the entire statement cannot be undeniable. Why do you believe P1 and P3 are true? What evidence do you have that has led you to this...
  11. S

    What proof would convince you God doesn't exist?

    I think most theists, who are theists by choice (as opposed to theists who were simply brought up that way and haven't questioned why they are theists) would be hard pressed to change their minds regardless of the proofs offered to them. For example, if they've had some sort of personal...
  12. S

    Is Any Political System Better Than Representational Democracy?

    I agree with above post that there is no perfect system and that whether or not a political system works is dependent on the culture that it is meant to govern. For example, I can't imagine China working as well under a democracy as it does under Communism. Not because of the size of the...
  13. S

    Thanks for the welcome. :) Look forward to dialoguing in the forums.

    Thanks for the welcome. :) Look forward to dialoguing in the forums.
  14. S

    Atheists: Is that your final answer?

    I think that if one came by atheism via rational, scientific thought, then they would only reconsider their stance regarding the existence of God when offered incontrovertible proof that God existed. Whatever that proof may be, I don't know, but it would have to be absolutely solid, repeatable...
  15. S

    Co-creaters in a time maybe not lineal..

    I think you're onto something with this. Having had a passing interest in quantum theory and looked into Buddhist philosophies, there are clearly parallels. I think it's entirely possible, if not likely, that science will confirm the concepts of The One. i.e. each universe revolves around the...
  16. S

    The Journey Begins...

    SoG works for me. :) What's the appropriate way to abbreviate your name?
  17. S

    The Journey Begins...

    Y'know, there are only two things I can't stand. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures. And the Dutch. :) Thanks for the warm welcomes.
  18. S

    The Journey Begins...

    I hope to gain a greater understanding of God and the Universe (perhaps even the discovery that they are one and the same). I hope to lose any misconceptions I may have about faiths I don't yet understand and about ten pounds.
  19. S

    The Journey Begins...

    Hello everybody, Just a quick introduction from a new member. A little bit about myself and why I'm here. I was never brought up in a religious household. Though both my parents were raised Catholic, they decided not to push their beliefs on me and let me formulate them myself when I was old...