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Search results

  1. D

    Finding A Religion

    Listen to your heart - only it, (and less your conscious mind) can guide you to see what you already know you believe. This is why I am no longer a Christian (as I was for 25 years) and no longer a Buddhist (as I was for 10 years)........ if one searches into ones heart deeply and honestly...
  2. D

    Do you have a question about God?

    Anyway, "TruthAboutGod", YOU'RE JUST HERE TRYING TO SELL A BOOK ! ! ! ! How ungodly.
  3. D

    Do you have a question about God?

    Ah - disappointing. When I saw that someone was stating they could answer quesions about God, I assumed they had some exciting new knowledge to share. But alas, we've nothing but quotes from that creation of man, 'the bible', with all the murder, rape and revenge that it contains and that...
  4. D

    Good Youtube links for Deism!

    Hi there, RE: John L Armstrong, Youtube Desim links. I am not in anyway connected with this person and have never made contact with him, but I believe his short videos on Youtube are excellent and of great interest to anyone who is looking at Deism (from the outside or from inside)...
  5. D

    Is Deism A Form Of Theism?

    Hi Storm, Totally accept your point, and yes, simplicities in understanding to occur when people don't really know eachother. :) In many ways my Deist beliefs are similar to your Dad's but in other way's not ...... I don't use the word 'supernatural' when talking about my Deist beliefs. I...
  6. D

    Is Deism A Form Of Theism?

    Hi, To answer the second bit first, :D, my reasoning for the 'first seed' is losely :- - Our universer appears to be in a state of movement, flux, impermanence. - It appears that every single 'effect' that takes place is preceded by a 'cause'. - I imagine a 'birth of time' - I don't really...
  7. D

    Is our present age being devastated by CONSUMERISM?

    Hi, I'm not sure I fully 'get' your response, because you seem to be referencing world conflicts - perhaps that is your point? ...... that conflict will always cause poverty in some areas of the world, even if there was no consumerist greed ? But doesn't the very conflict that happens is...
  8. D

    Is our present age being devastated by CONSUMERISM?

    See the response from "Sunstone" above - that is what I was getting at. Where will we bury all the old (1 year old), iPods that no-one wants anymore? ;) Perhaps there is a stronger distrust of consumerism, from where I write today, as compared to where most of the forum members are writing...
  9. D

    Is AIDS a Punishment from God?

    There is no evidence in the Universe that AIDS is anything other than an unfortunate creation of man's current stage of evolution. For me, stating that AIDs is a 'punishment of God' is as sick as stating that 'Paedophilia is a gift of God'.
  10. D

    The most ANNOYING misconception about YOUR faith?

    As a Deist, the most common misconception about my belief (as Deist's it's important to us that it's not a 'faith'!), is that it is:- - the same as Theism. (which traditionally involves dogma and faith). - similar to Christianity or other revealed religions. - some also misconceive that Deism...
  11. D

    Hi from a Deist in North East England

    Thank you for the welcomes, folks! :)
  12. D

    Is our present age being devastated by CONSUMERISM?

    Mmm.........., that's certainly one view! Why would greed be the only solitary driver for people to 'advance'. What about the desire for knowledge of say, things like medicine, to be able to help people and reduce suffering? I am not sure whether a world without greed could ever exist...
  13. D

    Thomas Paine...the Original American Rebel With A Cause

    Here, here. Thomas Paine was indeed one of the wisest humans to walk the Earth.
  14. D

    Are diests really different from the Christian view?

    This thread appears to be more about "Desim in American history" than about Deism, so I won't join the debate at a significant level as I know little about American history - what I would politely say is that Desim originated in Europe originally and it's founding principals are far, far from...
  15. D

    Revelation in Deism

    The only revelation to a Deist is the Universe itself and the nature in which it operates.
  16. D

    Is Deism A Form Of Theism?

    I'd like to briefly join this too, as a Deist, who has recently joined these fine forums. To assert "is that the only difference" in response to a fundamental point that distinguishes Deism from Theism, seems bizarre to me! Isn't that like asking "so the Christians believe Jesus is the son...
  17. D

    Is our present age being devastated by CONSUMERISM?

    I sometimes look at the world (society not physical), in dispair at how greed and the drive of consumerism, the 'need' to collect material things, is perhaps killing us (in a real as well as a metaphorical sense). But then I wonder; what is the answer ? Communism?! .... I suspect not, too...
  18. D

    Do the British own English?

    Interesting debate! Firstly, my standpoint; I'm English. For me, there are two seperate things here; one is about the natural evolution of a language. Languages are not owned by any nation or country. And they are subject to a journey of evolution just like anything. As they evolve, their...
  19. D

    Which Choice Best Describes Your Faith (or lack thereof)?

    Hi there, To the Original Poster;- I don't know if perhaps it was intended that Deism would sit in the "Atheism/Agnosticism/Secular/Humanism" category of the Poll, but as what I would describe as a pretty much 'pure' Deist, I would definately not put my belief description into that category...