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Which Choice Best Describes Your Faith (or lack thereof)?

What is your faith (or lack thereof)?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 183 20.2%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 28 3.1%
  • Islam

    Votes: 66 7.3%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 47 5.2%
  • Hinduism

    Votes: 51 5.6%
  • Baha'i

    Votes: 23 2.5%
  • Spiritism

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Jainism

    Votes: 4 0.4%
  • Unitarian Universalism

    Votes: 33 3.6%
  • Wiccan/Pagan/Druid

    Votes: 65 7.2%
  • Taoism

    Votes: 10 1.1%
  • Native American

    Votes: 2 0.2%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 1 0.1%
  • Satanism/Luciferianism

    Votes: 33 3.6%
  • Atheism/Agnosticism/Secular/Humanism

    Votes: 184 20.3%
  • Non-Denominational Theism

    Votes: 25 2.8%
  • Nihilism

    Votes: 10 1.1%
  • Other - Please Explain

    Votes: 139 15.4%

  • Total voters

spiritually inclined

Active Member
I chose Other because I do not fit into only one category.

I am a Progressive Agnostic Christian. I am also an Episcopalian with some mystic Anglo-Catholic leanings, while also influenced deeply by liberal Protestant theology.

Secular humanism and philosophy as well as pagan thought influences me. One of the pillars of the faith in Anglicanism is Reason (which now encompasses experience and science), and the roots of Christianity are pagan, so there is no conflict for me.

I believe in the Eight Points of Progressive Christianity and the Seven Principles of Unitarian Universalism. I also believe the sources Unitarian Universalism draws inspiration from are valuable.



Returning Noob
I chose Wiccan/Pagan because I am learning from Silver Ravenwolf when I choose to follow my beliefs. I have kinda taken a break from doing rituals or spells because I am too tired to do them after my daughter goes to bed. sigh I feel bad about it but I believe that the Lord and Lady or high power understand.


New Member

To see a few folks here expressing there views?

I am still trying to fit in somewhere and feel my way with which draws me to that particular path. To date I am still looking as I have come around from so many years in ignorance a strange feeling that I can not describe and could not ignore. There is so many cultures and faiths but I still have to grasp what is right for me. Maybe I do not have any one religion at present but maybe fit into a little bit of the many faiths as they all have something to say?

The way to the source can give me a headache!!

Thank You



Loving life...
Christian for me... but sort of still searching for the right Christian "fit."

I go to the Vineyard church right now, but am looking into the LDS. Just waiting for God's guidance. :)



in my life, i seek to live in immitation of Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, and Messiah. and to live out His commandments, and examples.

to reflect Christ, to love God with all my heart and soul and might, and love my neighbor as myself is what i ask God to help me do with my life.

i believe that Jesus is risen from the dead, and lives now, and forever. i am a quiely non-trinitarian Christian (i believe that the Holy Spirit is simply the Spirit of God (given to and through Jesus the Son), not the third person of a triune Godhead), and while i do not believe that *not* being reborn in the image of Christ automatically damns or condems one in God's sight, i do believe in the supreecy and ultimate truth of Jesus' message, Way, and person.


Its only a Label
Friend TurkeyOnRye,
Choose nothing,
as have no religion to follow.
Just try living by doing everything religiously.
Love & rgds


Well-Known Member
Friend TurkeyOnRye,
Choose nothing,
as have no religion to follow.
Just try living by doing everything religiously.
Love & rgds

Friend zenzero,
This is a fairly old topic.
The "I" that created it no longer exists in any meaningful way.
There is very little "I" left inside this body anymore.
Each of your posts here is a reminder for me to awaken from thought.
In the time during my visits to this forum, I have had immeasurable inner growth.
I am grateful to you for being a contributor of it.
I write this to you out of nearly pure consciousness, which is as much as I can offer you or anyone.
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chardi kla
What is your faith (or lack thereof)?
Unitarian Universalism
Native American
Non-Denominational Theism

where is SIKHI ,it is 5 th largest
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Its only a Label
Friend TurkeyOnRye,

The "I" that created it no longer exists in any meaningful way.
There is very little "I" left inside this body anymore.
Each of your posts here is a reminder for me to awaken from thought.
In the time during my visits to this forum, I have had immeasurable inner growth.
I am grateful to you for being a contributor of it.
I write this to you out of nearly pure consciousness, which is as much as I can offer you or anyone.

Maybe the topic was posted much earlier but since it is a poll, surely many more are still left out of it.

Yes, surely your inner growth is visible and spreads its aroma all around for which none has contributed anything except your own self.

Everyone's contribution to awakening his own CONSCIOUSNESS is a gift to himself and human kind of which we are all members.

Love & rgds

Deist David

A serious Deist!
Hi there,

To the Original Poster;-

I don't know if perhaps it was intended that Deism would sit in the "Atheism/Agnosticism/Secular/Humanism" category of the Poll, but as what I would describe as a pretty much 'pure' Deist, I would definately not put my belief description into that category.

If Deism does not belong in that category, where would it live ?

My Beliefs;

I am a Deist and believe that the Universe was created by a single God, as an original 'cause', an undetermined amount of years ago. I believe this original creation included a deck of what we would now call 'universal laws' - and the universe (and life) as it is today, evolved under those natural, universal laws.

I am undecided as to whether God bestowed 'life' with a gift of Reason, or whether the gift of reason has developed as part of the evolution of life (and humans within that).

Either way, I believe Reason is the only way to knowledge.

I reject all revealed religions and believe that they were originally conceived of by man, as an invention to control people. (Perhaps with good intention, to embed good values and a society of order). However this means of 'control' has evolved into something that is today's age is quite a destructive force within humanity.

My 'bible' is "The Age Of Reason" by Thomas Paine.

I believe the only word of God is his creation - the seed of the universe, and our world within that.

I do not believe God intervenes in anyway with the universe as we know it today.

I believe the way to God is through education and scientific exploration, based on Reason.

I am not a complete anorak, scientific-type, I actually consider myself a spiritual person, but my spiritual focus is the universe, our beautiful natural world, and our primordial existance.

I meditate a lot to improve my mental agility and to aid relaxation and perspective in life.

If I were to attend a church, it would be a UU church!

......and that's about it !


Warrior Bard
Premium Member
I chose Pagan because that makes up the bulk of my beliefs and is what I would call myself when someone asks for my religious affiliation. However my religion is really a collage of many different ones. Paganism is the biggest one followed closely by equal measures of Christianity and Zen Buddhism(hence why I list them under religion) and following these three I also have elements of Native American beliefs, Alchemy, Taoism, and Chaos Magic. Because there are so many elements to it my religion doesn't really have a name so the title of "Christo-Zen-Pagan" is really more a description than anything else.

you know if I could change my vote I would actually vote Taoism rather than Paganism now as my beliefs are very similar to it. My religion now I call The Force(s) or harmony and it's much like what you get in star wars only I see The Force as having numerous aspects, not just light and dark. Hence why I have the "s" in parenthasies as it refers at once to both the whole living force as well as all it's different aspects and manifestations. I see the break-up as being the force divided along a scale ranging from light to dark and all the gray in between and every aspect of the force flows from one end of this scale to the other as well. I call my faith harmony because I seek the middle path of the force.

I believe that the only way to truly master or truly know the force(s) and oneself one must truly master and know both the light and the dark side of The Force(s) and themselves and not fallow either side exclusively. Hence why Taoism fits so closely and yet not quite so I don't identify as Taoist. I'm more than happy to answer any questions anyone may have. Just let me know.


Glass half Panda'd
I'm Gnostic. It's almost like the Western embodiment of Eastern religion. I started off Christian, then found the Nag Hammadi Library and became a Gnostic Christian. When I realized that Gnostic scripture comes from all three Abrahamic faiths, I realized that I couldn't close my door to just one branch.

Then I came to realize that Taoism and Buddhism have many of the core similarities (via negativa... the One) that are a part of Gnosticism. So while I could be considered UU, I clearly don't believe everyone is "correct" no matter what they believe. I believe my faith is the "correct" one because of it's universal, yet particular, message that being with the One, no matter how you get there, is the "way" that most religions seek. This has the most truth, in my opinion. So, I follow Sophia. :)


I rather like the Christian mythology, particularly the high ecclesiological expressions of ritual, sacrament and liturgy. I find much more continuity in them with the "Second Temple Judaisms" than Protestant reformers, though, they did have some interesting ideas and the key thinkers had a much higher ecclesiology than contemporary Evangelicals and liberal Protestants. :)



Admiral Obvious
I have "officially" gone to Apathetic Agnostic.

I do not know if god(s) exist, and since none of them have been able to find the time to show up, I could care less anymore.


six plus one
Well I'm definitely an atheist, but that's just the beginning. More specifically, I would say I'm a secular humanist.

Still, these labels don't capture my spiritual side. By spiritual I mean the sense of wonder one feels in the face of nature - minus the supernatural assumptions.