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Search results

  1. J

    Athiests Only: What would suffice as proof of God?

    No matter what evidence was provided for god's existence, I would assume it was some sort of hoax and remain doubtful - just as any sensible person would doubt any evidence that supposedly proved the existence of the Tooth Fairy or the Boogyman.
  2. J

    Why do we apologize for God?

    The reason people apologise for god is that he is a cruel and heartless mongrel. Read Leviticus chapter 26 from verse 14 onwards and listen to the God of Love as he threatens those who do not obey him...and let me know how it ends...I've never been able to get past verse 29 because it is just...
  3. J

    Flavius Josephus About Jesus?

    Yes, I know all that stuff. That's why I consider the bible a load of rubbish. Bits and pieces cobbled together over centuries by confidence tricksters telling the people what they want to hear. ---------------------------------- In this thread we have had people say that if Jesus didn't...
  4. J

    Flavius Josephus About Jesus?

    Julius Caesar was an ordinary human being. He fought a few battles, gained control of an Empire and then got stabbed in the back. No reason to assume that such a character didn't exist. Indeed, some people did say he was god, but some people are gullible arent they? And, unlike Jesus (in Mark...
  5. J

    Flavius Josephus About Jesus?

    I think you've misunderstood my point. I'm saying the Jesus story is a myth and it doesn't matter how many historians report that such a creature existed, the fact remains; he did not exist. It doesn't matter if the NT stories are interpreted as miracles, parables, or events with logical...
  6. J

    A question for atheists who don't believe in God

    A question for theists who do not believe in the Tooth Fairy... Exactly what is it you are not believing in? What is the "Tooth Fairy"?
  7. J

    Flavius Josephus About Jesus?

    According to the bible, Jesus was involved in about 40 different miracles: * He was born to a virgin. * Walked on water. * Raised Lazarus from the dead. * Fed 5,000 with a few loaves and fishes. * Cured blindness with spit. * Chased demons into pigs. * Rose from the dead. * Ascended into heaven...
  8. J

    Atheists: Does Evolution Disprove the Existence of God?

    Nobody is required to disprove the existence of god. It is up to the theist to prove that god exists. Whenever evolution is mentioned during a debate about religion, you can be sure that the theist is merely changing the subject in order to avoid the onus of proof. As soon as that happens, I...
  9. J

    Prove you Exist.

    See that tree over there? Want to prove it exists? Put your head down and charge...
  10. J

    Why do people believe in religion?

    Why do people believe in religion? An atheist must bear the consequences of his decisions. If things go well, he can take all the credit, but if things go horribly wrong, he must admit that it was all his own fault...there is no-one else to blame. A Christian makes the same sorts of decisions...