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Search results

  1. A

    Does Religion do more harm than good?

    perhaps the "badness" or negitive effects that have come from religion are effects from the good? i was just thinking that maybe because one religion may do somthing good, another sect or religion might be like, "oh crap, if we dont do somthing nice (like feeding homeless or somthing) then our...
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    the name of G-d

    i have attended a private jewish school for most of my life, and i do not understand why people (mainly christian, not to generalize) say that G-d's hebrew name is "yahew" or "jaweh". first of, the holy name of G-d should never be pronounced, even in the name of education, secondly the letters...
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    A question...

    im almost positive that i remember reading in the tanatch, somthing about how the more kadish (i cant write hebrew in english sry), kinda like rightous and devout, you live your life the quicker your soul arrives to heaven. but if u do not live a life by the mitzvot then it will take your soul...
  4. A

    Hell: What do you think?

    in judism there is also no "hell". just if u do not follow the 613 miztvot than your soul will take longer to reach heaven. but no eternal hell fire and torment. but as i see it, if everyone just lives the best we can (like don't kill or steal or do other stuff like that) than no one really has...
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    hello my name is ari kroop and at the moment i attend Oakland Mills High School. i am currently in an indepent research class researching religion. anything from comparitive religion to atheisim, and showing people how little they really know about their own respective religion. myself im not...