How would you know it was Jesus and not the representative of a different God or religion? It might be that the Jews/Muslims/Pastafarians etc were right all the time.
Religion gives people a warm fuzzy feeling. If the lifestyle make you happy, thats reason enough. And thats something you can't argue with. If someone merely says "it makes me feel good", like a hobby, and doesn't pretend to look for rational argument, you can't really contradict them.
I'll tell you why should see why that image is a problem. Because you can't, and make no attempt, to think of a mechanism by which it is possible. God knows everything? who is the information transferred and stored? at what speed? There are many such questions which present your image of God as...
You shouldn't burn books. It's the sort of thing the Nazi's did in the 1930's. If the Pastor wants to make a point, all he has to do is publish a cartoon of Mohammed.
There are numerous holy books in the libraries, from many religions, each claiming to be divine truth. Whichever religion you believe in, it is reasonable to conclude that the books pertaining to the other religions are in fact false. If, for example, you accept the Qu'ran as truth, then the...
God can't be Omnipotent because the concept is a contradiction. Consider the old chestnut, can God create a rock so heavy he can't lift it? First consider the fact that given a shovel and a bag of cement, I can create a rock so heavy I can't lift it. So it isn't an impossible task. Now lets see...
Probably because it looks like fun. If you're having fun, it must be a sin. Even recreational (i.e, not for reproduction) relations between consenting heterosexuals are considered sinful by most religions.