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Search results

  1. NeverGotBetter

    young earthers

    Once outhouse comes on and you give whatever the apparent evidence is, others are going to comment on what you're posted anyway, you're going to respond to those comments and so save time by posting it. It's obvious you're beating around the bush for DNA, which is made by nature, there's...
  2. NeverGotBetter

    Can God be "morally wrong"?

    After reading through your post you never explain the reasoning for this. So, can you explain the reasoning for this? In turn, I'll explain why your post did not address it. What gives him this right and how do we know he is moral in the first place? How do we know he's not an immoral god who...
  3. NeverGotBetter

    so you believe....?

    This is to both of you: if a fully (note that word, fully) developed human being came from the dust via god's intervention, how do you account for the stages in embryonic and fetal development whereby the human lacks a vertebral column? Instead, there's a notochord and "gill" slits with all this...
  4. NeverGotBetter

    Are you colour blind?

    Haha, I didn't make the video but it was one of the better ones aside from the spelling and grammar.
  5. NeverGotBetter

    Are you colour blind?

    Short Ishihara plate test where there are 11 plates or slides (link says 12 for some reason :confused:) and each one has coloured dots forming a certain number from 1-100. As you do it, it says what you are supposed to see if you have normal colour vision and for some slides, it will say what...
  6. NeverGotBetter

    Are you an empath?

    For the first one: 40% "you seldom wear your emotions on your sleeve". For the second one: "You are not an empath" and for the percentages (not sure if this is for all others or not): you are not an empath (63%), certified empath (56%), potential empath (19%), an intuitive (6%) and unbonded...
  7. NeverGotBetter

    Talk About Shooting Yourself In The Foot, Christian Style

    I'll laugh if they complain about lack of decorations.
  8. NeverGotBetter

    Reality...What is it?

    Reality is what exists at the moment and what used to exist, both around our immediate person (electrical and chemical signals to the brain) and around others regardless if we know them. I like to think there's that global reality then an individual one, which is pretty much based on bioelectric...
  9. NeverGotBetter

    so you believe....?

    If humans were created from dust by god, then when they die do they become dust by god's hand? If not, why?
  10. NeverGotBetter

    young earthers

    Whenever I've tried to debate someone and anything scientific failed due to their ignorance or out-doing me, I try to use the bible. I assume they believe in it and accept it as truth so there's none of this nonsense like there is with evolution where they may refuse and go :ignore: :ignore...
  11. NeverGotBetter

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    I'm fine if it's a source of fun you have. :yes: I'm also going to mention what is obvious to you already, my lack of philosophical thought. To be quite frank, I've never taken a course in philosophy and the amount I know is from what others have said/posted, so it's not a great deal but I use...
  12. NeverGotBetter

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    Debunker, only the last bits of your post actually addressed what I said, the rest was "warm-up". You also mention how christianity in ways are superior to atheism. Then there's also the sad bit of how you love debunking (original choice of words considering your username) "smug" people. Ironic...
  13. NeverGotBetter

    What is the best argument for an atheist?

    The "prove it!" argument does get boring after a while, so I try to use some other ones. One of them that I've used is as follows: the person says they're a christian of whatever denomination. If their argument is so true as they claim, why isn't it supported by fellow believers? In asking this...
  14. NeverGotBetter

    The Atheist belief is sad indeed.

    There are differing views within the "atheist mindset", ranging from agnostic atheist to de-facto atheist to true atheist. All them revolve around the same general idea but each have their differences. Many atheists were god-believers at one point or from god-believing families. I didn't...
  15. NeverGotBetter

    All I want for Christmas is....

    Well I got a pretty short list: 1) Distance glasses that have a darker tint than current ones so the average room light will blind me less and my eyes will quit stinging/burning so I won't have to wear sunglasses all the time. Tint may help with colour vision depending on the tint if not, I'm...
  16. NeverGotBetter

    The 'hmm.. Interesting' thread

    Hmm... interesting, the hmm... interesting line hasn't been used for two posts. Hmm... interesting.
  17. NeverGotBetter

    Why are White People the ones who get called racists?

    I haven't read through all 11 pages of posts so apologies if this was already said and discussed. I think the reason why "Whites" are considered racist is many people consider them to have the advantage over other races simply by colour and ethnicity. Whether this is true or not doesn't really...
  18. NeverGotBetter

    Greeting All

    I like to do some debating with friends but after a while, it gets boring when they either share the same views, refuse to debate or are so open-minded, they agree and no debate proceeds. Also, this site has areas for each large religion group, which makes it unique and pretty awesome.
  19. NeverGotBetter

    Homosexuals, should we accept them, are they really homosexual?

    At first this sounded ridiculous to me and that you had an agenda but I googled around and to my surprise, this IS true. In 2000, it was decided in the Supreme Court of the USA that practicing homosexuality interferes with the messages the Boy Scouts send, so Scoutmaster Dale was booted off...
  20. NeverGotBetter

    Greeting All

    I've debated/argued (whichever is closer) with others about religious views and whatnot but I joined here because I've looked into different forms of Satanism and some of it is interesting. Despite this, I'm atheistic and I don't think that's going to change but hey, who knows? I feel like I...