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  1. S

    denominations without singing

    As with all things, look to what you are instructed to do in the Bible...rather than what is tradition amongst a group of people.
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    I can't claim to be a part of any particular sect. I do my best to stick to what is said in the Bible. The current church i attend is non denominational. While I am not against sects themselves, I think all Christians would do well to remember some things of importance from the bible...
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    One of the core teachings of the bible is that you can't be "good enough for god" through your works. Isaiah 64:6 "But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags" John 14:6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the...
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    My dilemma about Moses

    This is correct. The original hebrew text uses their word for murder, "ratsach" not the general word for causing someone's life to end. Of course, in the Old Testament are many instances where God tells those of Israel to take up arms against and kill others in battle. This does not...
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    Is your power infinite like God´s? if not, how is infinite hell fair?

    Biblestudent0218 above actually seemed to sum it up quite well.
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    Hell: Eternal Suffering or Temporary Punishment

    It is true that the bible doesn't appear to go into clear detail on exactly how this is handled, but there are passages that refer to this idea. Romans 2:12-16 12 For as many as have sinned without law will also perish without law, and as many as have sinned in the law will be judged by the...
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    Is your power infinite like God´s? if not, how is infinite hell fair?

    If that was in response to me, I was simply using the word countless to indicate "very many".
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    So what’s so great about a Christian heaven?

    I've put my faith in God, the creator that worked out all the nuances of the universe and created them on his command. I have no problem believing that if he assures me something is good, that he has the power to make it good, whether I can understand and appreciate it now or not.
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    I want to believe in God, but it doesn't work?

    I wouldn't base belief or non belief in things based on television programs that "reveal the truth" in anything...whether pro or anti religion. In the end, if there were easy hard facts in either direction completely and utterly refuting anything, there wouldn't be believers and...
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    Is your power infinite like God´s? if not, how is infinite hell fair?

    One doesn't commit a single sin for one, we all commit countless sins. Fortunately, through Jesus, you don't need to find out about hell first hand.
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    Hell: Eternal Suffering or Temporary Punishment

    It is eternal. Some say "Isn't that harsh?" I say you can avoid it entirely by worshiping God the creator and accepting Jesus as savior. It isn't something you need to experience.
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    3 questions about Jesus's resurrection

    As humans we often think of our personal new or "better" ways that things should be, and wonder why they weren't done that way instead. In fact, God could have chosen to just appear as a big face in the sky the entirety of Earth's existence. Every time we walked out the front door we could...
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    Jesus and Money

    I consider it a blessing to be able to give my money to those in need. My human selfish side wants to keep it for myself sometimes, but then I stop and think about it and realize that it is a wonderful thing to have the opportunity to give to others.
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    Poll: How literally do you take the Bible?

    Well said! It's very important to actually read the bible through, particularly since passages in one book lend clarification to another. For example the book of Revelation in the New Testament read standalone leaves one with some questions, however when considering the text from the book of...
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    Hell and Satan, later additions?

    Though It's a somewhat difficult thing to understand in the teachings (with quite a bit of debate)... There is the Jewish concept of "Sheol", where the dead go. "Hell" is often referred to in the King James Version of the bible since it is used as a translation for "Sheol" and "Hades"...
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    Greetings from a Christian.

    I do not identify with a particular denomination of Christianity and look only to the Bible for guidance rather than any man-made traditions. My goal is to "share the word" in a loving way however. I've noticed throughout the media we see Christians that hinder the progress of God by being...