The five major versions of Jesus in the NT each state that they are NOT God, simply God's envoy.This should be a very short debate:
- If Jesus was ‘WITH God’ how could he ‘BE GOD’?
- Who is ‘GOD’ that Jesus was ‘WITH’?
Jesus does not officially become God until the adoption of the Trinity doctrine in the 4th century, though there had been plenty of pushing to improve his earthly status for a long time before that.
The Trinity doctrine is "a mystery in the strict sense". That means that "it can neither be known by unaided human reason apart from revelation nor cogently demonstrated by reason after it has been revealed." The words in quotes are from church doctrine.
As a moment's reflection will reveal, this means that the Trinity doctrine is a nonsense.
Under the doctrine, the Father is 100% of God and Jesus is 100% of God and the Ghost is 100% of God. That makes 300% = 3 gods, right? No, wrong, says the doctrine, there's only one God, though there are three persons, and that's why it's a mystery in the strict sense (which as I mentioned is why, thus, it's a nonsense).
Some of the problems are all four gospel Jesuses praying at Last Supper time "If it be my will let this cup (imminent death) pass from me", and the Jesus of Mark and the Jesus of Matthew saying on the cross, "Me, me, why have I forsaken me?" And since (as far as I can tell) the Father never disagrees with Jesus or the Ghost, Jesus never disagrees with the Father or the Ghost, and the Ghost never disagrees with the Father or Jesus, this means that although they have different names, they only have one will, that is, they're really only one person, so that the names are just different masks of the one entity.
And at a more practical level, when you pray to God, who answers the phone?
So to address the OP's question, the Jesus of Paul and the Jesus of John could be with God because they'd pre-existed in heaven with God, and indeed created the material universe (despite Genesis); and the Jesus of Mark could be with God because Mark's Jesus wasn't special until his baptism, when the heavens opened and God adopted him as [his] son; and the Jesuses of Matthew and Luke could be with God because they got 50% of their genes (including their Y-chromosome) straight from God.