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“ I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration”


Well-Known Member
It took decades before the identity of 'Deep Throat' was revealed, but it was eventually revealed.
I don't remember him actually doing things to sabotage what he saw as the faults of the admin at the time. So I think this might be revealed faster. Still a bit skeptical, and if true, could turn out in Trump's favor I'm afraid.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
There is a theory that it could be Mike Pence. Based particularly on this paragraph

Who else uses the word “lodestar”?
If it is not Pence, it is someone trying to sound like Pence.

I think I am leaning towards the Pence theory right now. He has the most to gain.
... the heck is a "lodestar"? Did they mangle "lodestone" and "North Star"?

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Interesting theory. I have been waiting for a Dump Trump movement to surface in the Republican party, as they start to realise that association with Trump is going to damage their electoral prospects for years to come. So Pence can come through as saviour of the nation, perhaps. But it does look rather unprofessional to sound off about it in the press.

I suppose the alternative would be someone who is already on the exit ramp, has little to lose and wants to salvage his reputation for integrity by doing a bit of whistle-blowing. Sessions?
could be. Frankly I have no clue on who this could be. Just another twist to a never ending story. Soap opera writers should be taking notes.


Active Member
I'm half-expecting his supporters to place blame on any failures of the admin on this. It sounds like something that looks like a bomb but there's a gift inside.

I have no idea why the person who wrote this, if part of the administration, all of a sudden finds out what Trump is like or thinks. Or that the people who voted for him don't know. He has been an open, public person most of his career. He also hides nothing. An outright threat was made to take him out if he doesn't get it together. The man, even if a horrible person, was elected. That's all there is to say
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Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
In general, I'm not sure what to think of the current political situation in my country. Things that are going on now were inconceivable to me growing up as a kid. Then again, I also grew up surrounded by progressive, pluralist, liberal-oriented people. I've been insulated from the weirdness of the other side of the political spectrum. That said, I don't recall the Republican party being this weird before. I voted for some Republicans when I first came of voting age. I grew up under a few Republican presidents too. They were... you know... presidential. Respectable, even if I thought their policies were misguided. I refuse to call that turd sitting in the White House these days a president. And if it's true that there are wiser minds inside that administrative building trying to keep some dignity in the oval office, thank the gods. Someone needs to remind that turd that America is a democracy and keep to the central values that make America... America.

Just some isolated thoughts of the moment.


Veteran Member
I am disappointed in the NYT and more disappointed in the gutlessness of the so-called 'Resistance.'
Why? If a highly placed individual came to the Times with this article, the NYT would have been wrong to not publish it.

Why use the term gutless? If a high ranking administrative official saw he could block some of Trump's wildly dangerous actions and did it, that is not gutless.

If you could stop someone from doing something bad, wouldn't you?

This article and the Woodward book both tell the same story - Trump is unfit to be President.


Veteran Member
I am disappointed in the NYT and more disappointed in the gutlessness of the so-called 'Resistance.'
I don't think it is gutless to persevere, in what must be an awful job situation, in an effort to keep the country on the rails. It would be much more gutless, surely, to resign, find another job and wash your hands of the problem faced by the nation. All these people can walk into a range of good jobs if they leave the administration, so whoever it is will not be hanging on for his or her pay slip.

As for the newspaper, why would they not publish a scoop like this? It is not the job of the Fourth Estate to make the Executive's task easy by suppressing stories about it.


Well-Known Member
I am disappointed in the NYT and more disappointed in the gutlessness of the so-called 'Resistance.'

You are one hard man to please. :)

I think the idea is to be undercover so that they can further track the plans of this administration and still have some hold of it.

If they put themselves then they would lose all that.

What do you think should happen and why?


Well-Known Member
It took decades before the identity of 'Deep Throat' was revealed, but it was eventually revealed.

One aspect of this is that there is clearly more than one person who is working to keep the president from significantly harming the country. This article may well be a joint work.

When someone mentions deep throat the first thing I think about is far from politics.

Who or what is this "deep throat"?


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Who or what is this "deep throat"?


It's not clear how she managed to know so much about the Nixon White House, but then again, politics and pornography are often derived from the same mindset.

Maybe Stormy Daniels wrote that op-ed for the NYT.


Veteran Member
When someone mentions deep throat the first thing I think about is far from politics.

Who or what is this "deep throat"?
That was the joke at the time (the Watergate scandal that brought down Nixon). Bernstein & Woodward's administration source was given that soubriquet, due to the unattributable nature of his information and a sex film of the time. Ho ho.

Jayhawker Soule

-- untitled --
Premium Member
Re ...

I am disappointed in the NYT and more disappointed in the gutlessness of the so-called 'Resistance.'
Why? If a highly placed individual came to the Times with this article, the NYT would have been wrong to not publish it.
How does one judge the credibility of the source? With very, very few exceptions I question the integrity of any process that demands the absence of transparency.

Why use the term gutless? If a high ranking administrative official saw he could block some of Trump's wildly dangerous actions and did it, that is not gutless.
It is both gutless and dangerous and serves, first and foremost, to mitigate the effects of an unstable individual in some instances while enabling the individual in all others. And just who chooses which issues or actions warrant interference? With what authority?

Either Article 25 applies or not.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
When someone mentions deep throat the first thing I think about is far from politics.

Who or what is this "deep throat"?

Study up on the history of the Nixon administration and how it fell. Deep Throat was the insider that fed information to Woodward (yes, the same one) that ultimately brought down the president.

I can assure you that Nixon was no more pleased about Deep Throat than Trump is about this episode.


What, specifically, do you find dubious?

The anonymous source of course, the timing is also a consideration with mid-terms right around the corner. It comes across as a cheap propaganda hit piece that will be retracted and apologized for later with much less fanfare than it's current reporting as fact- that is my gut feeling.

IF the story is true and correct, I would imagine that the rat will soon be uncovered and I also imagine that are some laws regarding hindering and undermining the POTUS in his official duties.

What do you not find dubious about this story?

Does the story/letter appeal to you?

In what ways does it appeal to you?