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“ I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administration”


Active Member
Not even close. At worst, it is disloyalty to the president. But that isn't the definition (yet) of treason.

An out right threat is made in the letter and a senior stuff just posted a piece to undermine the Presidents authority. Not only treason but seems to be a planning of a coup.


Veteran Member
The anonymous source of course, the timing is also a consideration with mid-terms right around the corner. It comes across as a cheap propaganda hit piece that will be retracted and apologized for later with much less fanfare than it's current reporting as fact- that is my gut feeling.

IF the story is true and correct, I would imagine that the rat will soon be uncovered and I also imagine that are some laws regarding hindering and undermining the POTUS in his official duties.

What do you not find dubious about this story?

Does the story/letter appeal to you?

In what ways does it appeal to you?
I'd have thought what is not dubious about it is that the general tenor of it is amply corroborated, by not only Woodward's book and previous leaks and resignations, but by the conduct of Trump on Twitter, which we can all see for ourselves is self-absorbed, reckless, mendacious, shows no understanding of the separation of powers in the Constitution and is close to being unhinged. Also the way that many of the things Trump rashly says are not actually done by his administration. It gives an impression of adults trying to control an unruly child.


I'd have thought what is not dubious about it is that the general tenor of it is amply corroborated, by not only Woodward's book and previous leaks and resignations, but by the conduct of Trump on Twitter, which we can all see for ourselves is self-absorbed, reckless, mendacious, shows no understanding of the separation of powers in the Constitution and is close to being unhinged. Also the way that many of the things Trump rashly says are not actually done by his administration. It gives an impression of adults trying to control an unruly child.

Does the report confirm/reinforce your bias?


Veteran Member
"Given the instability many witnessed, there were early whispers within the cabinet of invoking the 25th Amendment, which would start a complex process for removing the president"
Surely this is a report of the discussions in the past rather than a threat, though? And the provision is always there in the constitution anyway, so it's always up to any incumbent to show his staff he is not barking mad. From Trump's behaviour on Twitter, it is plain that a responsible administration would at least consider the question.


Active Member
Surely this is a report of the discussions in the past rather than a threat, though? And the provision is always there in the constitution anyway, so it's always up to any incumbent to show his staff he is not barking mad. From Trump's behaviour on Twitter, it is plain that a responsible administration would at least consider the question.

Then why state it? Why even send this in? It's either a lie and a Democrat tactic or the truth and an attempt to threaten the President.


Have you stopped beating your wife?

When we play cards, I sometimes let her win on purpose.

Does the report confirm/reinforce your bias?
Your attempt to deflect instead of answering the question seems to point to yes, if true then that is what you should probably focus/meditate on- why the story appeals to you.

"An unexamined life is not worth living"


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
In general, I'm not sure what to think of the current political situation in my country. Things that are going on now were inconceivable to me growing up as a kid. Then again, I also grew up surrounded by progressive, pluralist, liberal-oriented people. I've been insulated from the weirdness of the other side of the political spectrum. That said, I don't recall the Republican party being this weird before. I voted for some Republicans when I first came of voting age. I grew up under a few Republican presidents too. They were... you know... presidential. Respectable, even if I thought their policies were misguided. I refuse to call that turd sitting in the White House these days a president. And if it's true that there are wiser minds inside that administrative building trying to keep some dignity in the oval office, thank the gods. Someone needs to remind that turd that America is a democracy and keep to the central values that make America... America.

Just some isolated thoughts of the moment.

When I was growing up as a kid, my parents divorced early, so my father's side of the family and my mother's side of the family were separate branches and so far apart from each other, politically and culturally. I was exposed to both ends of the spectrum and I think I understand both sides on a rather personal and intimate level.

While I was born during LBJ's presidency, just a month after JFK's assassination, the first president in my active memory was Nixon. As a result, I'll concede that I may have become politically jaded a bit too early in life before any of the standard political conditioning and patriotic brainwashing ever really took hold.

Apart from my family, I was also surrounded by a lot of cynics and dissidents who hated and distrusted the political system. Big business was also viewed as having a toxic presence in society, and much of this came through in both the discourse I heard around me as well as in popular culture overall.

I've been all over much of the country, and as Yogi Berra so eloquently put it, "You can observe a lot by watching."

That may be part of the reason I'm not quite so shocked or mystified by the current political situation. I had always figured somewhere in the back of my mind that we were headed for trouble all along.

At this point, it just seems that it's a numbers game more than anything else. Politics is, among other things, a gambit. If it persuades enough voters, then that's the main issue. But the overall playing field has become rather weird itself. The voters appear to be in a weird mood these days, so we'll have to wait and see what happens in November.


Veteran Member
Then why state it? Why even send this in? It's either a lie and a Democrat tactic or the truth and an attempt to threaten the President.
So that the people know what a godawful mess this presidency is, and what efforts are being made to mitigate the damage. The object would be to open people's eyes so that they don't give him a second term - and maybe help guard against the risk that Trump tries to shut down the Mueller investigation. I can't know any of this of course but these would be perfectly reasonable motives, it seems to me.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
An out right threat is made in the letter and a senior stuff just posted a piece to undermine the Presidents authority. Not only treason but seems to be a planning of a coup.

On the contrary, the 'threat' was to invoke the 25th amendment, which is certainly NOT treasonous. While it might be considered a 'coup', it would also take 2/3 of both houses of Congress to put into effect and is *fully* legal and even in the Constitution. That makes it NOT treason.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Then why state it? Why even send this in? It's either a lie and a Democrat tactic or the truth and an attempt to threaten the President.

Threatening the president with the Constitution isn't treason. In fact, it is required in certain circumstances to be patriotic.


Well-Known Member
I suppose that's true enough.

Bottom line: I appreciate transparency every bit as much as I hate complicity.

In some cases, this could be better.

Personally, if we had to be ruled by a conservative then at least it can be a better conservative leader than Trump. Take your blessings where you can. :)


Well-Known Member
Study up on the history of the Nixon administration and how it fell. Deep Throat was the insider that fed information to Woodward (yes, the same one) that ultimately brought down the president.

I can assure you that Nixon was no more pleased about Deep Throat than Trump is about this episode.

I'm sorry. I keep on reading deep throat and can't help giggle. Yes, I'm not a little teenager.

Thanks for the info.


Active Member
On the contrary, the 'threat' was to invoke the 25th amendment, which is certainly NOT treasonous. While it might be considered a 'coup', it would also take 2/3 of both houses of Congress to put into effect and is *fully* legal and even in the Constitution. That makes it NOT treason.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.


Think & Care
Staff member
Premium Member
Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Huh? Upholding the constitution is the *duty* of us all. The 25th amendment is a part of that constitution. The clear text allows for the majority of the cabinet along with the Vice president to declare the president unfit for office. The president can object, that majority can re-assert its position, and 2/3 of both houses of congress have to approve. If they do, the president is removed.

I'm sorry, but calling a constitutional procedure treason is the height of misuse of the word.