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‘Jesus was WITH GOD’ therefore Jesus WAS GOD?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince

personal opinion... trash can.

101G has never see such GROSS incompetence in all his religious life.

Thank you. I take that to mean that you’ve never heard anyone tell you the truth in regard to this.

Excellent. I hope you grow in knowledge and in truth each and every day from this day forward.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I'll let you find my answer.

I take it that you mean that you won’t dare answer since to do so would incriminate yourself (sometimes call ‘Taking the 5th’ or, in England, ‘Taking the P*ss’)


Active Member
…thought y and i were pretty much interchangeable.
Well, in English, y (the so-called “Greek i”) is simply a “consonantal i”, which means it takes the place of i when i is used as a consonant, adjacent to other vowels in a word. Even so, the custom for Russian names has long been to use -y rather than -i, even though it is technically not consonantal in the -ski suffix, I imagine this is in order to differentiate them from Polish names when using the Latin alphabet(?) I will have to look up the reason for this. In English, we often have -y at the end of names where it is not acting consonantally; I think of names like Hannity and Bellamy.


Well-Known Member
Holy Carpe Dium Sire ..
GINOLJC, to all.
Best in the world, so u know where your dump sit lay....... LAST..... (smile).... :D YIKS
yes, for there are two death, one of the flesh, and the other of the Soul. listen and Learn, THE FIRST DEATH, James 2:26 "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." what is DEAD? answer the Body, NOT the spirit, nor the Soul, but the BODY.
well you learn something didn't U? .... (smile). but your dump sit is still in last place.... :p
Good grief this is hopelessly off the page. James is not talking about GOD Dying .. Ezekiel is not talking about God dying ..
that's why your dump site is Last.. the only thing of God that dies was that natural body that he took on when he came to dwell amoung men.. LOL, LOL, LOL, ... Oh dear......;



Well-Known Member
The God of Abraham is EL --
First, no second ERROR of the Day
The "Most High" El Elyon .. is EL ... God of the Mountain El Shaddai
third and fourth ERROR of the day.
Now tell me about Zedek .. and the Priesthood that follows Melchi-Zedek --- 5 centuries later to Adoni-Zedek .. Priest-King of Jerusalem when David Takes over .. and Zadok the Jebusite Priest . who continues this Priestly order into the 1st Temple Period .. keeps the Asherah Pole and the Temple Prostitutes for good measure .. and that little high place out back for sacrifice of the first fruits ..
fifth ERROR of the day
You See 101G --- Jesus is a Priest .. in this Order .. the Order of Melchi-Zedek --- hence why he called the Prince of Peace .. Jesus the Judge ... all about Righteousness and Justice .. as the Order would suggest .. but this is an Order under the dominion of El - do not confuse the Priests of this Order with EL himself my Friend.
sixth ERROR of the Day.
Let us be kind -- give credit even when not due
Last ERROR of the day.... 2 John 1:10 "If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed:"



Active Member
The God of Abraham is EL
Yes, and “el” is simply a Semitic root word meaning “(a) god”, expressed variously as Hebrew “eloha”, Aramaic “eloho” and Arabic “illah” (“god”) and “Al Illah” (“the God”…contracted as “Allah”).


Well-Known Member
I take it that you mean that you won’t dare answer since to do so would incriminate yourself (sometimes call ‘Taking the 5th’ or, in England, ‘Taking the P*ss’)
so, you haven't found my answer already..... keep on searching....



Well-Known Member
This should be a very short debate:
  • If Jesus was ‘WITH God’ how could he ‘BE GOD’?
  • Who is ‘GOD’ that Jesus was ‘WITH’?
An analogy is DNA. We are composed of parental DNA. We are separate beings than our parents, but with parental DNA. I am a unique human, with human DNA. This is based on the human parts of my DNA. I am also an animal living with animals; dogs, cats and chickens. This is based on a more limited cross section of my shared DNA.

The dogma of the trinity, one god with three expressions, is analogous to a man named Joe, who is a son to his parents, a husband to his wife, and a father to his children. He is one person with three roles, one tailored to each generation. He is intimate with his wife in unique ways, he is firm but fair with his children and respectful to his parents.

The Old Testament was God; Joe, the Father. The New Testament is God; Joe, the Son. While the third or future Testament would be analogous to intimacy with God; the spouse; Holy Spirit. All are valid ways to worship the same one God, but three ways tailored to different generations and natural propensities. The Saints are considered personally touched by God via their actions and miracles; Intimate with the Holy Spirit.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
so, you haven't found my answer already..... keep on searching.... View attachment 77151

You borrowed your technique of accusing someone of not answering you even after the many times that they have - and also requesting answers to questions you haven’t asked!

All points to you having lost the argument and are so afraid to admit your loss. Sad!


Well-Known Member
To all. "The 101G challenge"
Many want to know did God die on the CROSS? answer, yes, God the Ordinal Last did die, but not God the Ordinal First who is the ECHAD of himself in Flesh.

now for all those Don Knotts out there who say God cannot die. then U just denied the RESURRECTION, BECAUSE U CANNOT EXPLAIN HOW GOD ..... AS AN ECHAD of HIMSELF DIED on the cross. (smile). remember, no one was found worthy to make the perfect sacrifice, no man was found, in heaven, not on earth nor under the earth. and one should know and understand what was just said, RIGHT, if no man, human, or angel ..... and there are only three entities, God, angels, and us human mankind. so, if neither any Angelic man nor human man was found worthy, then that leaves only one entity left... "GOD" himself. supportive scripture, Isaiah 63:5 "And I looked, and there was none to help; and I wondered that there was none to uphold: therefore mine own arm brought salvation unto me; and my fury, it upheld me."

this separates the men from the boys. now, 101G challenge anyone to disprove that God "OWN" arm .... IN FLESH died on the cross. and that ARM is identified as the Lord Jesus the Christ, especially in Isaiah chapter 53.

any takers .... post your opposition.



Well-Known Member
The dogma of the trinity, one god with three expressions, is analogous to a man named Joe, who is a son to his parents, a husband to his wife, and a father to his children. He is one person with three roles, one tailored to each generation. He is intimate with his wife in unique ways, he is firm but fair with his children and respectful to his parents.
this is modalism, the trinity in reverse. only one problem with your scenario, "He is one person with three roles, one tailored to each generation"
if true, why is he in heaven, (as Father), and on Earth AT THE SAME TIME (As Son), in the same generation. supportive scripture, John 3:13 "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."



Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
this is modalism, the trinity in reverse. only one problem with your scenario, "He is one person with three roles, one tailored to each generation"
if true, why is he in heaven, (as Father), and on Earth AT THE SAME TIME (As Son), in the same generation. supportive scripture, John 3:13 "And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven."

Jesus never claimed that he came down from Heaven. The words, ‘came down fro Heaven’ were added by the trinitarian translators to try to fool readers into believing in their trinity ideology.

The part of the verse saying, ‘even the son of man which is in Heaven’ may also have been added but it still speaks of Jesus being ‘A Man’, which goes with John the Baptist saying that:
  • “I myself did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, ‘The man on whom you see the Spirit come down and remain is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.’” (John 1:33)
Jesus only ever says that he was sent by the Father. And that sending was after Jesus had been anointed with the spirit of God, by God, at the river Jordan, and then passed the trial in wilderness, which proved he could resist the greatest temptations.

Being endowed with the spirit of God if was necessary that Jesus be TESTED by GOD and TEMPTED by Satan as to whether Jesus would misuse the power he had been endowed with.

Jesus, passed the test and temptation and, instead of using the power of God for his own benefit, Jesus lowered himself to become a servant to his fellow man, healing all who came to him in need, and submitting himself to the jury of mankind, stayed silent as a lamb in the face of his slaughterers, and allowed himself to be crucified for the salvation of mankind, removing the sin of the first man, Adam.
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Well-Known Member
Jesus never claimed that he came down from Heaven
John 6:32 "Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Moses gave you not that bread from heaven; but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven." John 6:33 "For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven, and giveth life unto the world." John 6:34 "Then said they unto him, Lord, evermore give us this bread."

John 8:23 "And he said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world."

The part of the verse saying, ‘even the son of man which is in Heaven’ may also have been added

but it still speaks of Jesus being ‘A Man’
TRY THIS..... Hebrews 2:9 "But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death, crowned with glory and honour; that he by the grace of God should taste death for every man." ... (Smile), Oh dear.
Jesus only ever says that he was sent by the Father.
Only sent? lets check the record. John 9:39 "And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind." John 16:28 "I came forth from the Father, and am come into the world: again, I leave the world, and go to the Father."

now that you want to ask questions ... good now answer my challenge. Post #333.



Well-Known Member
To all, "The 101G challenge"
Did God die on the Cross. yes, a NATURAL LIFE.... blood of the body. and that blood he gave is the .... drum roll .."LIFE" of the Flesh/Body that he died from. one may say, well the Body is not God 101G. ERROR, you body, is your temple, your house, is the mechanism that makes who YOU are. your body take on the IDENITY of the Spirit that's in it. if some one sees a photo of Marilyn Monroe how do we know that this is Marilyn Monroe? because of the house "she" the soul dwell in. this is how we recognize each other. if 101G die, it is his body that is dead. can you talk to 101G while his body is dead? NO. just like Lazarus. when the body is dead, no one could talk to Lazarus. but once the body was restored one could eat, talk and touch Lazarus. other words interact with Lazarus, the soul, the PERSON. but when the body is dead. .... there is no more interaction, NOT IN THIS LIFE.

when we say someone is dead. do we say the spirit or soul is dead? no, only the body, or our house. this is basic bible study. when God died on the cross it was his BODY, BODY, BODY that is no more.

the First death mean .... you the PERSON is no longer in this world and or with NATURAL Life. but do it means you, the spirit and soul exist no more? NO. it just you have no more movement, or actions in this world what we call life. but the first death is not the END of LIFE, (for the soul, and the spirit), (if in Christ Jesus)....... but, ad that but with one t, but (smile) if found ... "NOT" in Christ Jesus then comes the second death. which there is no coming back from.

this is why we are given NEW BODIES, (AS WITH CHRIST/GOD), in the world to come. to have eternal .... or a never ending life, of body soul and spirit.



Active Member
To all, "The 101G challenge"
Did God die on the Cross. yes, a NATURAL LIFE.... blood of the body. and that blood he gave is the .... drum roll .."LIFE" of the Flesh/Body that he died from. one may say, well the Body is not God 101G. ERROR, you body, is your temple, your house, is the mechanism that makes who YOU are. your body take on the IDENITY of the Spirit that's in it. if some one sees a photo of Marilyn Monroe how do we know that this is Marilyn Monroe? because of the house "she" the soul dwell in. this is how we recognize each other. if 101G die, it is his body that is dead. can you talk to 101G while his body is dead? NO. just like Lazarus. when the body is dead, no one could talk to Lazarus. but once the body was restored one could eat, talk and touch Lazarus. other words interact with Lazarus, the soul, the PERSON. but when the body is dead. .... there is no more interaction, NOT IN THIS LIFE.

when we say someone is dead. do we say the spirit or soul is dead? no, only the body, or our house. this is basic bible study. when God died on the cross it was his BODY, BODY, BODY that is no more.

the First death mean .... you the PERSON is no longer in this world and or with NATURAL Life. but do it means you, the spirit and soul exist no more? NO. it just you have no more movement, or actions in this world what we call life. but the first death is not the END of LIFE, (for the soul, and the spirit), (if in Christ Jesus)....... but, ad that but with one t, but (smile) if found ... "NOT" in Christ Jesus then comes the second death. which there is no coming back from.

this is why we are given NEW BODIES, (AS WITH CHRIST/GOD), in the world to come. to have eternal .... or a never ending life, of body soul and spirit.

So… what exactly is “the challenge”? To believe that?
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